All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway One Size Diapers Retailers Snap Closure Velcro/Aplix Closure

3 bumGenius Freetime Diapers – Giveaway from Diaper Junction (CLOSED 10/6) U.S./Canada

bumgenius freetime

I think we have all heard the exciting news about the new bumGenius prints (Albert and Lovelace), colors (Dazzle, Mirror and Sassy) and products, including the bumGenius! Freetime diapers and Flip Potty Trainers!

bumgenius freetime

They are not shipping until December, but Diaper Junction (one of my favorite places to buy cloth diapers!) is giving one of my readers the chance to win not one but three of the bumGenius Freetime One Size AIO cloth diapers!

bumgenius freetime

Like everyone else, I haven’t gotten to see or try these diapers, and while AIOs aren’t my favorite type of diaper, I’m still really excited to try them. I think the soaker style (sewn in at the ends only) will be much easier to thoroughly clean than the sewn in style of the now discontinued sized AIOs. The style will also allow you to fold the soakers to put maximum absorbency just where you need it, and they are topped with stay-dry material. The shell is lined with an extra layer of microfiber terry and a stay dry material touching baby as well!

On the flip side, they won’t be quite as cloth diaper novice friendly as a pre-stuffed pocket diaper, and the soaker style may make them a little more messy to clean (if poopy) like the Organic O/S AIO (Elemental) diapers. Obviously, that’s all just speculation, since I haven’t actually tried them!

bumgenius freetime

They will be the snap-down rise one size style we expect from bumGenius, and will be available in both Velcro and snap closures.

The Freetime diapers will retail for $19.95 each ($2.00 extra for prints) and Diaper Junction will offer quantity discounts when you purchase 3-5, 6-11 or 12+ at a time! Get on the waiting list now, and then enter to win some!

Giveaway: Diaper Junction is offering one of my readers 3 solid color bumGenius Freetime diapers. Diapers will ship in December and while I will pass along your color/closure preferences and DJ will do their best to fulfill your favorites, winner chooses just boy, girl or gender neutral.

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 9/26/11 – Clothes to Labor in

labor clothes via @chgdiapers

Mondays are when I answer a question that a reader asked, and ask other readers to help out too!

Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

Melissa says:

So here is a non cloth diaper related question…I am giving birth for the first time in November. I will be at a hospital, hopefully in their natural birthing center, but that just depends on if the little one cooperates 🙂 Either way my plan is to do it naturally. I will not be required to wear a hospital gown and would prefer not to. So, do you have any recommendations for what to wear while in labor? I have heard that all inhibitions go out the window during transition and birth, but there will be at least a few hours before that that I would like to be at least partially clothed but still have everything accessible for the nurses. I found an online retailer that makes birth skirts that I am intrigued with but I am not sure I am willing to fork over that much money for one. Any suggestions?

Thank you so much!

Hey this is a great question, and actually one I’ve been thinking about lately myself. My hospital wasn’t as accommodating, so I went with the ever stylish hospital gown, and saved my battles for other stuff!

First of all, congratulations!! I have seen the birth skirts you’re talking about and while fabulous, they are also a little spendy. After my post last week, you probably know I’m planning a home birth. It may not be as important a decision, since I won’t have to pack a bag & can change my mind easily, but I’ve still been trying to figure out what to wear! Weird as it sounds, I’m not comfortable being naked (even by myself), but obviously I can’t be wearing a 3-piece suit during labor/birth!

You definitely want something that is comfortable, not restrictive, allows easy access to medical staff (to check you, apply monitors, blood pressure cuffs etc.) and allows easy skin-to-skin contact and nursing access after the birth. You will probably want a backup labor outfit as well if you really want to avoid hospital gowns. There’s always the possibility that what you’re wearing might become soiled enough that you need to change. You also probably want to choose darker colors, or something that wasn’t too expensive since you won’t be able to rush home and pre-treat/soak it!

So here’s what I’m thinking…a loose fitting, elastic waist skirt. I actually have one from Target that isn’t maternity, but folds down like yoga pants to sit under my belly (and was considerably less expensive than that one!) You’ll want a loose fitting top that’s easy to pull up, gives access to your arms, and preferably also access to your chest (for baby!) Since I’m not sure if I will end up in the tub, I’m considering my maternity tankini top (which I never actually used this summer!) because the faux crossover front is easy to pull down/aside for skin to skin and nursing. Or consider a short sleeved, loose fitting top.

I think layers are the way to go since hormonal shifts made me go from sweltering hot to freezing cold in an instant. You could do a maternity/nursing tank top with a tie or button front sweater/shirt even. Depending on how modest (or not) you are, you could just wear a comfortable nursing sleep bra under your clothing, and plan to take your shirt off if you get hot/after the baby is born. Though hospital gowns make for easy chest access. I regret not fighting to keep my bra on, since I really don’t like going braless (especially while carrying around pregnancy sized boobs!)

I already mentioned having a backup change of clothes for labor, but you will also want something for the first day or so after the baby is born. Depending on how long you were in labor, you might feel like you’ve been wearing the same clothes forever, and nothing feels better than a shower and clean clothes! Most hospitals still check you quite a bit during that first day, so you will want something similar, or a nursing nightgown/robe. You will probably not want to be wearing pants or long sleeves.

You didn’t ask this, but you’ll also need something to wear home! Unless you have incredible genes/are a supermodel (in which I hate you…kidding…sort of…) you will not be skinny leaving the hospital. Most women are around the size they were at 5-6 months pregnant, so it’s probably not a good idea to bring pre-pregnancy clothes to wear home (unless you like feeling depressed!) I found jeans to be extremely uncomfortable because of the crotch seams, which seem about 1,000 times bigger/bumpier when you’re sore! What would be good are some maternity sweats or loose fitting yoga pants, along with a nursing top, or nursing tank and loose, zip up hoodie.

What about everyone else? Have you worn your own clothing during labor? What did you wear?

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup for 9/23/11 (Plus Linky for all Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

It’s Friday again, so here’s another cloth diaper giveaway roundup! Each week, I gather cloth diaper, accessory and baby wearing giveaways I’ve found, and list them here.

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*Prizes from Fuzzibunz (no set end date, ends at 25k fans) Entry is through Facebook app, must “like” them on Facebook to enter

*Bebe Bottoms Wipe Spray from Momma in Flip Flops (ends 9/23)

*RearZ Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 9/23)

*RearZ Diaper from Tales from the Nursery (ends 9/23)

*RearZ Diaper from Formula Mom (ends 9/23)

*Comfy Rumps Diaper from Mod N Natural
Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 9/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Super Undies Training Pants from Multi Testing Mommy (ends 9/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Knickernappies Hanging Diaper Pail from Squishy Tushy (ends 9/23) RC

*Fuzzibunz Diaper from The Tree Huggin Momma Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

$35 EcoMom GC from The Tree Huggin Momma
Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/23) RC

*Rumparooz Diaper from One Smiley Monkey Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/24) RC

Snappi from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways (ends 9/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*$25 Ultimate Green Store GC from Eco Baby Mama Drama (ends 9/24) RC

Kissaluvs Fitteds from Everything Birth Blog (ends 9/24)

*Swaddlebees Coveralls from Dirty Diaper Laundry
(ends 9/25) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Charlie Banana Diaper from Life with my Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/25) RC

*Charlie Banana Diapers from Simple (ends 9/25) RC

*Mo Dia Diaper from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 9/25) RC

OsoCozy Diaper from 17 Sirens (ends 9/25) RC

Cloth Diaper & Wet Bag from Eco Baby Mama Drama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/25) RC

*Applecheeks Prize Pack from Dear Crissy (ends 9/26) RC

*Cutey Baby Diaper from Simple (ends 9/26) RC

*CJ’s BUTTer from Wee Wallaby and Dibs
(ends 9/26) GD

*GroVia Newborn Diaper from Nicki the Eval Gal Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/26) RC

Wooly Rounds Dryer Balls from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways (ends 9/26) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and The Little Hedgehog Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/26) RC

GroVia Shell from I Love Cloth Diapers (ends 9/26) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*$25 Ultimate Green Store GC from New Age Mama
(ends 9/27) RC

*Motherlove Diaper Rash & Thrush Salve from Tales from the Nursery (ends 9/27) RC

*Motherlove Diaper Rash & Thrush Salve from Formula Mom (ends 9/27) RC

*Motherlove Diaper Rash & Thrush Salve from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 9/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Little Bee Co Diaper from Biehl Adventures Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/27) Open Worldwide RC

*Thirsties Duo Diaper from Going Green with Noah (ends 9/28) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Kissaluvs Marvels AIO from Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique and A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/28)

*Itti Bitti Tutto from AMRC Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 9/28) RC

*Mother-Ease Wizard Diaper from Peace Love and Poop Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/28) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Sustainablebabyish Fitteds from Cloth Diaper Blog (ends 9/28) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*The Little Bee Co Diaper from Eco Babyz Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/29)

*Baba Sling from Eco Babyz Mandatory GFC follow Open Worldwide (ends 9/29)

*Smartipants Diaper from Formula Mom (ends 9/29) RC

Fuzzibunz or Rumparooz Diaper from Changing Diapers and Life with my Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/29) RC

Fleece Soaker from Biehl Adventures Mandatory Facebook like (ends 9/29) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Pognae Baby Carrier from Makobi Scribe Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/29) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Two Bumgenius Freetime Diapers from Kelly Wels
(ends 9/29) RC

Bummis Covers & Prefolds from The Cloth Diaper Whisperer
(ends 9/29) RC

*GoGreen Diapers from Pregnancy and Newborn (ends 9/30) Daily form entry

*Babykicks 3G Pocket Diaper from Newly Crunchy Mama of 3 Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/30) RC

*$30 Sew Crafty Baby GC from Grinning Cheek to Cheek (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Kawaii Diaper from Adventures in Fluff
(ends 9/30)

Mini Maestro Diaper from Grinning Cheek to Cheek (ends 9/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Cloth Diaper Package from Formula Mom
(ends 9/30) RC

Rockin’ Green from The Photog Nazi Mandatory GFC follow (ends 9/30) RC

GoGreen Champ Diaper & Adapt a Snap from Three Fabulous Mommies
Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 9/30) RC

*Alva Baby Pocket Diaper from Midnight Mommy Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/1) RC

Little Bitty Things Wet Bags from Mommy of 1 and Counting (ends 10/1)

*Driline Baby Changing Pad Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/2) open to Canada only RC

Zippy Doo Diaper from Heart n Butterfly Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/2) Open Worldwide

Bitty Bee Newborn Diapers from Tree Huggin Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/2) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Lollidoo Diaper from My This n That Life Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) RC

Bottombumpers Diaper from Healthy Baby Boutique and Life with my Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) RC

Bumgenius Elemental from Little Love and Dibs Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) GD

Diaper Cover from The Little Green Bird and Dibs (ends 10/3) GD

Little Bee Co Diaper from Tales from the Nursery (ends 10/3) Open Worldwide RC

Happy Heinys Diaper from Maine Cloth Diaper Co & Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/3) RC

*3 Bottombumpers Diapers from Diaper Buddys and Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 10/4) RC

Little Bee Co Diaper from Formula Mom (ends 10/4) RC

Little Bee Co Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 10/4) Open Worldwide RC

Best Bottom Diaper from Nicki’s Diapers Mandatory GFC follow and two Facebook “likes” (ends 10/4)

*Pognae Carrier from Growing My Kids Reviews (ends 10/6)

3 Bumgenius Freetime Diapers from Diaper Junction and Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 10/6) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

GroVia Hybrid Trial Pack from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 10/7) RC

*Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 10/9)

Fuzzibunz Diaper from Changing Diapers and One Little Mister (ends 10/10) RC

Itti Bitti Tutto from Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 10/10) RC

*$10 Everything Birth GC from Fluffy Bums (ends 10/12) RC

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Virtual Baby Shower Event

Virtual Baby Shower Event (October 2011) at

Virtual Baby Shower

October is special, not just because I will be cloth diapering a newborn in less than two months, but also because it marks two years of cloth diapering for me. Yep, in October 2009 I started my stash with 3 Bumgenius 3.0s. A few weeks later I started writing this blog (at the blogspot address) and as they say; “the rest is history.”

I know that tons of my readers are TTC, expecting, or recently had babies, so I am throwing you a virtual baby shower!

There will be lots of diapers (nothing exclusively newborn sized, so no one will be excluded!) plus some baby wearing items, gifts and more. The event will be throughout the month of October, so you will see 1-2 baby shower posts per day, in addition to the usual Mailbox Mondays (if I get submissions), personal (if I have the energy) and Friday giveaway roundup posts. So, your feed reader might be on fire ;-).

Giveaways will be easy, minimal entry Rafflecopter forms like always. There are a few reviews of items I haven’t used before, but many of the diapers will be things I’ve previously reviewed. In that case, you can expect a quick rundown with a few photos and a link to the original review, then I’ll get right to the giveaway!

Here is a list of my sponsors so far (subject to change of course!):

Aden & Anais
AMP Diapers
Boba/Sleepy Wrap
Dapple baby
Earth Mama Angel Baby
Eco Babies
Eco Mom
GoGreen Diapers
Green Babies
Greeting Card Universe
PaigeLauren Baby
Red Envelope
Swaddle Designs
Thirsties (4 great giveaways!)
Utterly Yours

I’m also planning on talking about some cool things I’ve found or bought myself that aren’t sponsored!

Feel free to share this post and/or the button and I hope you’re excited for next month!!

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Birth Home Birth Personal Posts Pregnancy

My Journey to Homebirth

My journey to home birth has really been a long one. I wasn’t quite sure where to start, so I’ll start at the beginning. (Cue Sound of Music soundtrack.)

At some point, I will tell the birth stories for my the two children already in my arms, but for the sake of keeping this post short enough to be readable, I’ll tell abbreviated versions.

When I became pregnant with my daughter in 2004, I wanted a natural birth. I envisioned giving birth in a birth center with a midwife. I was not incredibly “mainstream” but compared to where I am today, I really was. I had been brainwashed like many, and never would have considered home birth. Scary! Dangerous! OMG! Even though I was low risk, and the perfect candidate for home birth, I do not think I would have been successful. I just wasn’t there yet.

Anyhoo, I found an OB practice that I’d heard good things about, and who had many midwives on their roster. I called and was told that “midwives do not deliver babies in Maryland.” I took that as fact, and let that idea go. In fact, Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) who are licensed and backed by an OB can deliver babies in Maryland. This particular practice just chooses not to take on that liability/malpractice premium.

Around that time, an acquaintance (I “met” her because she worked with my Mom actually) gave birth at home, with an unlicensed Certified Professional Midwife (CPM). I later learned that Maryland simply doesn’t license CPMs or Direct Entry Midwives (DEMs) but at the time “unlicensed” in my mind=untrained and unqualified. I was so, so terribly wrong and I feel stupid for ever thinking this way, but it sure seemed dangerous and foolish to ignorant little me.

Long story short, I bought the hospital ticket and I sure did get the hospital ride. Though I emerged with few physical injuries, the emotional scars from my prenatal and birth “care” are with me almost 7 years later. I was bullied, belittled, intimidated, invalidated and treated like a number, a slab of meat, a “patient…” something (not someone) that didn’t matter at every turn. There were precious few moments from start to finish that I felt like I mattered in any way.

For a long time I felt like a failure, and I was grateful for the doctor, and for being in the hospital. It took years for me to realize that my biggest mistake was to go the the hospital in the first place. I didn’t fail myself or my daughter rather, I was failed by the system. I was in no position to stand up for myself. Even the strongest woman will have difficulty fighting “hospital policy” when she’s in labor. I still feel ill when I think about the ways in which I was held down and violated while I screamed (while being told to stop, be still, do what the doctor says, basically be a good girl) with my husband right there, unable to protect me (or even know that he should.) To many, my experience just doesn’t matter. My daughter was healthy, and what happened to me happens to women every day anyway.

I learned a lot between my daughter’s birth and my son’s birth, and by the time I was pregnant with him, I really wanted a home birth. I still wasn’t ready though. While home birth isn’t illegal, it would be illegal for the midwife attending me. I am a rule follower, and that really scared me. I saw the same OB throughout my pregnancy, visiting with others just once (so I would have met everyone prior to D-Day) and I really loved her. Still do. If she attended home births, I would gladly welcome her. She is just great and I really lucked out that she was on call when I went into labor.

I went into this birth very pessimistic, and afraid of feeling like a failure again, so I had very few expectations. I stayed home as long as possible, and ended up giving birth within about 3 or 3 1/2 hours of arriving at the hospital. I had 3 cervical checks that I didn’t want, intermittent monitoring that I didn’t want, and an IV, all according to “hospital policy.” While I realize that you can legally refuse these things, that’s really easier said than done. I did manage to give birth sans medication aside from GBS antibiotics (which I could write a whole post on!) and pitocin after birth (which I didn’t consent to and didn’t know I had until I requested my records this year).

All in all, I was pretty happy with the birth, and I did feel it was a somewhat healing birth. I even had an easier time bonding with my son. Even so, there were so many things that bothered me about the birth. Rather than listing those things, I’ll list the things I’m looking forward to about home birth (this may get long):

  • No unnecessary interventions, and no need to fight against them.  No trying desperately to stay still during a contraction so the monitors wouldn’t move, losing the HB, making it look like there was trouble & leading to more monitoring.  No hands or objects shoved in me.  No being forced on my back to do it, which was the most painful position for me. No being told this is what we’re doing (if they even did that much). What happened to informed consent?
  • No being grilled with incessant questions while trying to cope with contractions.
  • No transition to the hospital ( or back to the “real world” with life with a new baby for that matter.
  • No feeling inhibited by strangers’ presence, no half dozen people filtering in the room while I’m pushing, unaware that they are there.
  • Ability to eat and drink what I want and use the bathroom when I want.
  • Move/walk/go wherever I want.
  • No artificial time constraints on any stage of labor.
  • Make whatever sounds I want without inhibition.
  • Push in whatever position I want to without any argument or battles.
  • Finally, I won’t be the 3rd+ person to touch my baby and the absolute last person in the room to know the baby’s gender.
  • Ability to bond with the baby however I want (touching, talking etc.) without feeling funny/inhibited by what I say/how I say it in front of strangers.
  • No baring my body in front of strangers to nurse, be “checked” or attempting to use the bathroom on command after delivery.
  • Baby won’t be taken away from me.  Supposedly you have the “right” for that not to happen, but it’s easier said than done for hearing checks etc.
  • No fear of procedures or treatments (or bottles or pacis) being given without my permission.
  • No being bullied into giving formula.
  • No being woken as soon as I fall asleep for BP, temp etc.  That’s when the baby and I both aren’t being woken to check baby!
  • Sleep in my own bed.  Nuff said.
  • Shower in my own shower with decent water pressure and a towel bigger than a washcloth.  (WTF are they thinking giving postpartum women such tiny azz towels??)
  • Wear whatever clothing I want, whenever I want.
  • No issues with cloth diapering from birth.
  • Complete access to my own house.  My own food, my own couch, my own stuff, my own comfort zone.
  • I control the lights and thermostat!
  • No waiting for “visiting hours” for my  children to meet the baby.
  • No unfamiliar/possibly resistant bacteria exposure.
  • Many, many more things that are slipping my mind at the moment!

I think that hospitals do have a place in some births, and I am incredibly grateful for medical intervention when necessary. In fact, I think not being comfortable with home birth, or not being “there yet” are valid reasons to have a hospital birth.  I truly, truly believe in the fear/pain/tension cycle and I think that if you fear home birth, it’s not for you. (Though I am the perfect example of doing a 180 after educating myself.)

I wanted to share a few of the books I read on my way to where I am today (which is pretty “far out there” as far as birth hippies go, LOL!)  They are Amazon affiliate links when available, so I would receive a small commission if you clicked through and bought.  I was able to find most at my local library, or through inter-library loan.

Spiritual Midwifery

Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care

Immaculate Deception II: Myth, Magic and Birth

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way: Revised Edition

Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation

Childbirth without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth (Import)

Expecting Trouble: What Expectant Parents Should Know About Prenatal Care in America

Born in the USA: How a Broken Maternity System Must Be Fixed to Put Women and Children First
(if I had to choose just ONE book as a favorite, must read, this would be it.)

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth

Natural Birth: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding

Heart and Hands: A Midwife’s Guide to Pregnancy and Birth

HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method: A natural approach to a safe, easier, more comfortable birthing (3rd Edition)

Get Me Out: A History of Childbirth from the Garden of Eden to the Sperm Bank

The Doctors’ Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever, and the Strange Story of Ignac Semmelweis (Great Discoveries)

Lying-In: A History of Childbirth in America, Expanded Edition

Emergency Childbirth: A Manual

Birth Emergency Skills Training: Manual for Out -of- Hospital Midwives

Deliver Me from Pain: Anesthesia and Birth in America

Male Practice

Birth as an American Rite of Passage

Unassisted Childbirth

Body, Soul, and Baby: A Doctor’s Guide to the Complete Pregnancy Experience, From Preconception to Postpartum

I know this isn’t all of them, I just can’t remember them all!

There are a few other books on my list that I haven’t been able to find at the library, so I am considering buying the e-book versions:

Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities: A Guide to the Medical Literature

Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying, and Pleasurable Birth Experience

Birthing the Easy Way By Someone Who Learned the Hard Way

Unassisted Homebirth: An Act of Love

I have also been active in natural childbirth groups, and have read countless birth stories. Good and bad, blissful and catastrophic. Watched countless birth videos and read every medical study I could get my hands on. I’ve familiarized myself with complications possible during every stage, and have taken full responsibility for my care.

Naturally, we watched the requisite The Business of Being Born and Pregnant in America also!

Needless to say, I didn’t make this decision on a whim, and I am very grateful to have an intelligent husband, who can listen to and understand the facts, and who supports me fully. He was a little bit slower to move over to the home birth side, but he was able to have reasonable conversations with me, express his concerns, and allow me to do additional research for him to allay his fears.

I do hope to share my birth stories at some point. However, it wasn’t a bad hospital birth that “drove me to home birth.” I truly, completely believe that home birth is the safest, best choice for me and my family. My previous births definitely did play a role in my trip to where I am now. Would I go back and have a home birth with my first child? I don’t know. Maybe if I knew then, all that I know now. Otherwise, no. I don’t think I would have succeeded because I wasn’t ready.

Read my home birth story.

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