For nearly the past two years, GroVia and owner Kim Ormsby have offered enormous physical and financial support to Giving Diapers Giving Hope (GDGH). Although I became involved with the organization last year after the partnership began, I feel GDGH simply wouldn’t have made it without them.
Post contains affiliate links. I placed my first Kelly’s Closet order in 2009, but they have been around since 2001! Can you believe it? They are celebrating their 14th anniversary with 14 days of giveaways from a few of the 100+ brands they carry.
Post contains affiliate links. There are quite a few great cloth diaper brands that are made in the USA. Here are some carried by Kelly’s Closet you definitely want to check out, along with why I think they are awesome. (Please note, this is not an exhaustive list, this is only a list of 5 brands carried by Kelly’s Closet. Check out all Made in the USA products I have reviewed.) Take a look, then enter to win a $100 Kelly’s Closet gift certificate to buy some!

I purchased this item myself. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links. After buying several PlanetWise large wet bags for use as a hanging diaper pail, and having the zippers break, I bit the bullet and ordered a GroVia Perfect Pail from Kelly’s Closet.
Post contains affiliate links. Want the Fluff Fairy to come visit you?
She’ll deliver you a mystery package from Kelly’s Closet!
Each package will include a cloth diaper and between 1 and 3 samples and/or accessories. Prices vary each month, but you choose which months you’d like the fairy to visit you (it is not a subscription.) You get a hint as to what that month’s package will be (July is a O/S diaper – package cost is $26.99) and choose boy/girl/gender neutral if applicable.
Fluff Fairy packages include shipping, and earn you reward points. You can’t use coupons, and the packages are not eligible for return/exchange.
Are you excited about the Fluff Fairy?