Katie received a free diaper for review. Maria has a business relationship with the brand and may receive a small commission if you click & buy, thank you. All opinions are Katie’s. When I looked for a cloth diapering solution I was always told that fitted diapers were the very best diaper you could get for nighttime. Never once did anyone mention to me that prefolds could easily be an amazing nighttime solution as well. Once I had a positive outcome with prefolds, I wasn’t so obsessed with fitted diapers anymore. I’m a pretty simple cloth diapering mom. Fitted diapers are great, don’t get me wrong. But I love a one-step process for lazy nights. Especially because often times, I let my kiddo fall asleep before putting his nighttime diaper on. I have to say that I’m really surprised people don’t talk more about Geffen Baby products, especially their prefolds.