Moraki Cloth USA Made Cloth Diapers Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 12/26)
Moraki Cloth is new to me, but I am glad I was introduced to them! They are one-size diapers that can be used as an AI2 or pocket diaper, and are made in the USA by WAHMs.
Moraki Cloth is new to me, but I am glad I was introduced to them! They are one-size diapers that can be used as an AI2 or pocket diaper, and are made in the USA by WAHMs.
Chelory was one of those brands that I was very curious about, like Ragababe. They have a big following, are pricey and hard to get. I’d heard about them in a cloth group quite a while ago, and at first glance, they looked just like Bumgenius to me.
I recently posted an Orange Diaper Co review as well as a Sustainablebabyish review, and some of you were wondering how they compare.
I was confused about all the different fitted cloth diapers that Dri-Line Baby offers, so I bought one of each to compare. Ideally, I would have liked to get every size (all but one are sized) and both snap and velcro closures, but then I’d be broke. 😉
I have been working with Dri Line Baby to help them promote their monthly specials. In order to do so, I wanted to familiarize myself with their products, so I bought I whole bunch of their fitteds, and this snap-to-fit cover.