Bumgenius Elemental Cloth Diapers Old vs. New Style Comparison
I bought a Bumgenius Elemental in 2010 for my older son. I had only been cloth diapering for about a year at that point, but I was quickly figuring out what type of diapers I preferred. When my older son potty trained, my stash that felt like not-quite-enough-for-2-children, was a bit overwhelming for just one! I pared down my stash and donated diapers that weren’t my favorites, and this one didn’t make the cut. As I just posted this week, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad diaper, it just means it’s not my favorite. 🙂 I was definitely intrigued by the changes and wanted to offer you a side by side comparison, so here it is. Two spankin’ new Bumgenius Elementals; one old style, one new, compared. (side note, no idea what is wrong with my *&*^&* picture color. My white balance looks great on the camera screen, then on the computer…blue. Edit pictures?? Ain’t nobody got time fo dat! 😉 This post better shows what Dazzle actually looks like!)
It’s no secret that I love RenewLife Probiotics! In fact, I have been taking them daily for quite literally years, and had an automatic subscription so I’d never run out! When they were no longer offered on auto-subscribe, I ended up missing a few days, and I swore I’d never run out again! I received samples of the Ultimate Flora probiotics, which are sold in drug and grocery stores.
A reader commented on a diaper review that she noticed I don’t give my opinion on cloth diaper reviews, and asked if I liked the diaper. It’s interesting that she noticed that, because I intentionally try to remain objective; here’s why…
Post contains affiliate links. Even since I used my Sakura Bloom Essential Linen Ring Sling when my 14 month old was born, my daughter has been asking for a Sakura Bloom sling of her own! I finally bought her one for her 8th birthday this month.