Apparel & Accessories Baby Products Eco-Friendly/Green Giveaway Made in the USA Review

Zoe b Organic Sleepy Hat & Natursutten Pacifier Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 12/29)

zoe b organics

I talked about Zoe b Organic last month when I reviewed their fantastic anti-plastic dishes. Zoe b is also the U.S. distributor for Natursutten pacifiers, and they sent me both a Natursutten pacifier and a Zoe b Organic Sleepy Hat.

Natursutten pacifiers are unique, natural rubber pacifiers. Interestingly enough, the protein that can provoke a latex allergy is eliminated during production.

natursutten pacifier natursutten pacifier pkg

The pacifier’s box is made from FSC certified cardboard, printed with non-toxic soy ink colors and has a window made from corn starch. A small sticker made from rock closes each box. They’ve avoided extra plastic, cardboard and redundant double wrapping.

natursutten pacifier natursutten pacifier
natursutten pacifier

With a NATURSUTTEN pacifier, you avoid:
• Allergy causing substances
• Artificial color
• Cancer causing substances
• Hormone disturbing substances
• Chemical softeners
• Parabens, PVC and phthalates

NATURSUTTEN pacifiers are softer than silicone, and are very hygienic because they are molded in one piece without joints or cracks where dirt and bacteria can accumulate.

natursutten pacifier

Zoe B’s FAQs answers questions like “why is the shield so big” and “why should I pay more for rubber.” They say that yes, your baby should look like Maggie Simpson. This made me laugh out loud since my husband pointed out that our son totally looked (and sounded!) like her! Pacifiers retail for $7.95 each and are available in several sizes and styles.

zoe b organics sleepy hat
zoe b organics sleepy hat zoe b organics hat pkg

Zoe b’s Sleepy Hat is a totally unique hat with a flip-down mask that blocks out light and visual stimulation.

sleepy hat

Andrea Verity, the mom originally behind the Sleepy Hat, used to have a lot of trouble getting her son, Ethan, to take naps, especially when they were traveling or visiting family. Starting around 3 months of age, he was much more interested in being awake then going to sleep, no matter how tired he was. Then she used a baby hat to cover her son’s eyes. It instantly cut her exhausting and frustrating sleep-time routine from thirty minutes to five! It also prevented Ethan from waking prematurely. But, after using the regular hat to get Ethan to fall asleep for just a few days, she began to see the need for a better-designed product than a regular baby hat. First, the hat that they were using didn’t have a contour for the nose. Second, it had become stretched, leaving a gap at the eyes and allowing light to come in. Third, she didn’t like having to pull on the hat and shift its position on Ethan’s head, in order to cover his eyes. Finally, they would get funny expressions from people passing by who were wondering why Ethan’s eyes were covered. She wanted a product that would communicate that her baby was having a nap.

After searching for something that fit their needs and coming up empty-handed, Andrea decided to make it herself. Eventually she came up with a hat that looked great, functioned well, and was safe to use. She gave the hat a flip-down mask so that the hat stayed in one place whether the baby was awake or asleep. Finally, she added the graphic of closed eyelashes on the flip-down mask so that others would know that baby was asleep.

We know that some babies fall asleep on their own without fussing. But most do not. Andrea made the Sleepy Hat available to other parents so that they could get some downtime, too.

zoe b organics sleepy hat on manni zoe b organics sleepy hat on manni down

The hat is designed for babies 3-9 months old, who are able to pull it off if it bothers them. The adjustable top knot and breathable fabric help ensure your baby’s safety, but this product is really designed to block out light & stimulation while you’re on the go and watching your baby.

Hats are made in the U.S.A. and retail for $16.99 each!

Giveaway: One reader will receive a Natursutten pacifier (ARV $7.95) and a Zoe b Organic Sleepy Hat (ARV $16.99.) Combined retail value is $24.94.

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Motherhood Personal Posts

Stressful Situations Bring out my Best Mom Qualities (Sometimes)

This post is inspired by Sarah at For the Love of Naps’ post about Finding JOY during a car appointment gone bad.

She wrote about a quick oil change appointment turning into 4ish hours of waiting with 2 kids at a car dealership, and having the best of her come out, with patience arriving from places she didn’t know existed.

The post really struck a chord with me because I almost felt like I could have written it myself. We spent pretty much two full weekends in October hunting for a new (to us) car for my hubby, and I spent a lot of time in car dealership waiting rooms with the kids.

Some dealerships had toys, which was fan-freaking-tastic, but my kids actually spent a half hour or more playing with a fire hydrant outside of one, pretending it had hoses and they were putting out fires! I admit that I did a little bit of e-mail checking and Tweeting from my phone, but it was actually nice to just sit and focus on my kids, with nothing else to do.

After the first dealership, I made sure I had some ones in my purse for bribes snacks from the snack machines when the going got a little tough (hee hee!) Aside from a few moments, the kids were actually quite good and quite patient, and sometimes I think their behavior is a reflection of my attitude. When I’m exasperated & short, they act up, making me more exasperated and short with them. When I can find that patience from places I didn’t know existed ( 😀 ) they tend to be better behaved.

While I was very glad when the car purchase was done, I missed being able to sit and watch my kids, and just drink the moment in. When I’m at home, I’m stressed about a long list of things I need to do. I’ve tried really hard to let things go, but it’s just not in my nature. When I started writing lists, I was able to stop obsessing quite as much, but I still tend to constantly be thinking about laundry, dishes, trash, bills, vacuuming, mopping, etc. etc. It is very, very difficult for me to just sit and play with my kids, even when making a conscious effort to focus on only them, and not the 10,000 things I need to be doing.

I think this is why I really enjoy taking them to the park. Even though it’s only recently become slightly less stressful (trying to keep my eyes on both kids & keep my son from getting hurt since he’s still pretty little), they are just so full of excitement, and the dishes are too far to call my name!!

I’ve told myself time and time again that I am not going to look back on my children’s childhoods and think “Gee, I wish I had done more laundry!” Sometimes I feel like I am wishing my kids’ childhoods away when I am overwhelmed and counting the minutes until bedtime. Thank you Sarah for reminding me to find the joy in the little things!

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Lil Helper Cloth Diaper Package Winner

lil helper winner

After several duplicate entries were removed, 367 people entered this giveaway, with 871 entries in all.

The winning entry is #280 which is Maria Ivey. Congrats! I’m sending you an email so you can claim your prize!

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Co-sleeping Giveaway Review

Arm’s Reach Curved Mini Co-Sleeper Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 1/20/12) ARV $165

I’ve been talking about co-sleeping for a while, including my story, why I’ve wanted an Arm’s Reach co-sleeper, and why co-sleeping experts endorse Arm’s Reach. Please view those posts for all the details, as I won’t repeat them here!

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays – 12/19/11 – Dealing with the Death of a Child

A Mom is dealing witht he death of a child in her family via @chgdiapers

It’s mailbox Monday. On Monday, I publish a reader submitted question, and ask my readers to weigh in!

Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

Allison says:


Today is the memorial service of my nephew who passed away 1 day before his 2nd birthday. He had brain cancer. It was so hard to watch him deteriorate. I can’t imagine how his parents (my husbands brother & his wife) are feeling. As sad as I feel, I know they feel it 100x worse. I have a 22-month old son and the parents of the deceased can’t stand to see my healthy, vibrant, alive son.

I’m looking for some input from other families who have suffered a loss of a young child so that I may act appropriately around my brother-in-law’s family. When can we start spending time with them again? They have two older children (12 and 10) who love to play with my son.

What signs should I watch for in the parents if they might need comfort from me? I feel like they need their privacy and space right now but I don’t like just standing by doing nothing. What can I do for them?

I hope you and your readers are able to help me out.

Allison, first I want to say how sorry I am for the loss of your nephew. I am not the most qualified to help you with this, but hopefully my readers will have tips and advice for you.

Things that I’ve been thinking about are to try to be there for them. If you “give them space,” they may feel isolated. Be up front with them. Tell them you love them, you support them, and you’re here for them, but you don’t want to hurt them further by having your son around.

I think the most important thing you can do for a grieving person in general (not just one who has lost a child) is to be there for them. Don’t just say you’ll be there for them, but actually be there. Especially after the initial flurry of family & friends dies down after the first few weeks. Lend an ear and listen while they share memories of their loved one, and share yours too. I think often people are afraid to upset the grieving person, so they will try to ignore/pretend it never happened (seems to occur a lot with still birth and miscarriage as well.) He will always be their son, and I’m sure they want him to be remembered. When a woman loses her husband, she is a “widow,” but what is a mother who loses her child called? In the coming years, people may ask her how many children she has. Does she say two, or three? I just can’t imagine losing a child.

I’m also guessing that both your brother-in-law and his wife are going to be dragging themselves around, going through the motions for quite a while. It might help them to have some easy to heat meals frozen & delivered to them, or to receive gift cards to local take-out restaurants if you’re able to do that. Most people say “call me if you need anything” but the grieving person is rally pretty unlikely to do that. Instead, I suggest you (or your husband) simply offer specific things (like grabbing a few groceries for them, driving their other children to activities or helping out with other errands you know they need to do.)

Unfortunately, I’m sure too many of my readers have been in this situation. Readers, do you have suggestions for Allison on how she can help her BIL & SIL?

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