Blog Hop Cloth Diaper Blog Hop Cloth Diapers Linky

Cloth Diaper Blog Hop for July 2011

cloth diaper blog hop

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It’s July, so it’s time for a new cloth diaper blog hop. Though there are a lot of blog hops out there, this one is all about fluff. If you often (or just sometimes) find yourself blogging about cloth diapers, please link up!

This hop is easy to participate in; you don’t have to blog about the hop or post the button. Naturally, I’d super duper appreciate it it if you would blog, post the button, tweet and/or share on Facebook.

You don’t have to follow certain blog or leave comments. I hope you will stop by the other blogs, follow them if you like what they’re writing about, and leave a comment if you have something to say!
I love new reading material, so I will follow anyone who links up!

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All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA Newborn Diapers Review Velcro/Aplix Closure

Smartipants Little Smarti Newborn Cloth Diaper Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 7/12)

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 1

My Smartipants cloth diaper was one of the first diapers in my stash. I bought it in December 2009 when I had only been cloth diapering for about two months. After 8 months in use, it turned out to be one of my favorites!

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 2 packaging

I’ve been curious about the “Little Smarti” Newborn Cloth Diaper since they came out. Made by Smartipants, but newborn size, all-in-one style, and Velcro closures. I was a little surprised though that a single Little Smarti retails for $17.95, vs $14.95 for a one size smart sleeve diaper. I generally expect newborn diapers to be less expensive than their one-size counterparts.

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 3 sideSmartipants Little Smarti Diaper 4 back

While the smart sleeve diapers come in over a dozen colors, the newborn diapers come only in “think pink”, “aqua breeze” and “bright white.” I thought the aqua was a pretty color, and also suits a boy or a girl (not that it really matters, they’re diapers after all.) I would love to see some more gender neutral color options though!

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 5 Velcro closures

Though the Smartipants snap closures are pretty simple as far as snaps go, I love that the newborn diaper has Velcro closures. They are incredibly easy to use and the laundry tabs held tight during my initial wash.

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 6 leg elasticSmartipants Little Smarti Diaper 8 sewn in soaker

The Little Smarti has leg and rear elastic, as well as a sewn in (all in one) microfiber soaker under the stay-dry inner.

While the one-size Smartipants diaper fits babies approximately 7-35 pounds, the Little Smarti fits 5-12 pounds, and fills that gap between birth, and when most one-size diapers start to fit.

Here is is compared to the Smartipants O/S diaper on the smallest setting:

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 11 vs smartipants smallSmartipants Little Smarti Diaper 12 vs smartipants small
Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 13 vs smartipants small

Here is the newborn diaper measured folded and stretched:

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 9 foldedSmartipants Little Smarti Diaper 10 stretched

As usual, here is my newborn model, pictured also in newborn and size 1 disposable diapers, so you can compare:

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 14 model
Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 15 newborn frontSmartipants Little Smarti Diaper 16 newborn back
Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 17 1 frontSmartipants Little Smarti Diaper 18 1 back

Finally, here he is in the Little Smarti:

Smartipants Little Smarti Diaper 19 frontSmartipants Little Smarti Diaper 20 back

Of course, I haven’t gotten to try the diaper on a newborn for fit and absorbency, but this diaper is the same great quality I know from my Smartipants O/S, and I expect it to perform as great as it looks. I do wish these diapers were a little less expensive, and came in a few more colors! See this on my newborn.

Giveaway: Smartipants is offering one winner a Little Smarti Newborn AIO Cloth Diaper in his/her choice of Aqua Breeze, Think Pink or Bright White. (ARV $17.95)

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below. I love comments (great way to remind yourself you entered) but comments do not count as entries. One entry per person please (not per day.) If other members of your household enter, I ask that they enter for themselves and that you do not enter on anyone else’s behalf.

Mandatory entries include your name, email address and what color diaper Smartipants should add next.

You may receive a bonus entry if you “like” The Smartipants Fan Page.

I will accept entries until Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only.

# of entries received as of giveaway close: 351

FTC compliance: I received the pictured product at no cost in order to review it. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. This post does not contain affiliate links.

Disclosure: This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, nor associated with Facebook. By entering, you release Facebook from any responsibility and understand that the information entered on this form will not be disclosed to Facebook.

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 7/4/11

Cloth Diaper Advice

Mondays are when I answer user sumbitted questions. Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

No submissions today! I hope everyone is enjoying the Independence Day Holiday! Is your little one wearing a special diaper today?

If you have a question you’ve been meaning to submit, please do, or Mailbox Mondays will be on hold!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaways – Roundup for 7/1/11 (Plus Linky for all Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

Friday means a new cloth diaper giveaway roundup Each week, I list cloth diaper, accessory and baby wearing giveaways I’ve found, so you can enter (and hopefully win!)

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*GoGreen Pocket Diaper from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/1)

*Blissful Booty Diaper & Wipes from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/1)

Bum Ware Diapers from Kelly Wels (ends 7/1)

*Itti Bitti Diaper from Baby and the Chis Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/3)

*Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag from One Smiley Monkey Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 7/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Rumparooz Wet Bag from Earthy Crunchy Mama & Newly Crunchy Mama of 3 Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/3)

*6 Bamboo Cloth Wipes-2 Winners-from Cloth Diaper Makers (ends 7/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from Spoons Spades & Stitches (ends 7/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Mother-Ease Wizard Duo Diaper from Life Full of Unexpected Happiness (ends 7/4) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*GoGreen Pocket Diaper from Anderson’s Angels Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/4) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Envibum Diaper from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/5)

*Dippee Dypees Diaper from Dibs (ends 7/5) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Zookies Diaper Cover from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/5)

$15 Sweet Little Blessings GC from Times for Keeping (ends 7/5)

GroVia Newborn AIO from Green Baby Elephant and Times for Keeping (ends 7/5)

*Bee Bop Baby Diaper from Knocked Up and Nursing (ends 7/6) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*WAHMies Wet Bag from The B Keeps Us Honest (ends 7/6)

*Applecheeks Swim Diaper from Crunchy Beach Mama (ends 7/6) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Sew is Your Baby Diaper from Mama Chocolate Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/6) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Thirsties Wipes, Diaper Duffle & Pail Liner (ends 7/6)

*Boba Baby Carrier from Freckleberry Finds Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/7) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Best Bottom Diaper from What Mama Wants Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/7) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Black Fuzzibunz Diaper from Nicki’s Diaper Blog (ends 7/7)

*Babykicks Diaper from Measuring Flower (ends 7/8)

Bum Covered Diaper from Sweet T Makes Three (ends 7/8)

Greenchild Creations Diaper from Sugar Pop Ribbons (ends 7/8)

*Planet Wise Sport Bag from Closer to Lucy Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/9)

Blueberry Diaper from Real Mom Reviews (ends 7/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Zookies Diaper Cover from Smiley Boy Knows Best Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/10)

$15 Abby’s Lane GC from Sophie and Momma (ends 7/10)

Dinkledooz Diaper from Go Go Natural and My Life as Married Girl and Mommy (ends 7/10)

*Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from One Smiley Monkey Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 7/11) Open Worldwide

Itti Bitti d’Lish Diaper from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/11)

Blueberry Diaper & Laundry Bag from Time Out for Mom (ends 7/11)

*Best Bottom Diaper from Love You Always and Forever Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/12) open to the U.S. and Canada

Itti Bitti Tutto from Marni’s Organized Mess Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/12)

Bummis Swimmi from Outnumbered 3 to 1 (ends 7/13)

*Cutesy Tushies Cloth Diaper from Thrifty Nifty Mommy Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 7/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Oh Katy Diapers from Happily Domestic (ends 7/14)

*Oh Katy Diaper from Padded Tush Stats Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/15)

$10 Ella Bella Bums GC from The Mommy Times Mandatory GFC Follow and Facebook “like” (ends 7/15)

Babykicks 3G Pocket Diaper from Sweet T Makes 3 (ends 7/15)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Uniquely Normal Mom (ends 7/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Best Bottom Diaper from Mimi Loves All 8 Mandatory GFC follow (ends 7/16)

Cloth Diaper Variety Pack from Kelly Wels Entry is on Facebook (ends 8/5 or when 20k entries are reached)

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Cloth Diapers Newborn Diapers

How Do I Review Newborn Cloth Diapers With No Newborn?

thirsties newborn diapers

Over the past 8 months or so, I’ve reviewed several newborn diapers (you can find them all under the newborn diapers heading in my review archive), but I don’t have a newborn!

So, how do I do it? Well, those who have been reading for a while know that I do pretty detailed reviews with close up photos of features, and measurements of the diapers. I can’t review fit on an actual newborn, nor absorbency, but hopefully I can give you a good idea of how each newborn diaper compares as far as the features and sizing.

I’ve had to use a stand-in model, since I don’t have a newborn of my own:


To compare a cloth diaper’s size, I picture my model in a similarly sized disposable diaper.

Either preemie:

preemie frontpreemie back


newborn frontnewborn back

or size 1:

one frontone back

I realize though that not everyone knows how disposable diapers fit. Maybe you’re a first time expectant mom, maybe you’ve never used disposables, maybe it’s just been a while!

I have not had a very tiny baby or a very large one, but I think I’ve had one at each end of average! My daughter was born at about 6 1/2 pounds, though that was a grossly inflated weight thanks to all the fluids I had pumped into me during labor. Her true weight was closer to 6 pounds, and she was 21″ long, so rather slender. My son was about 8 pounds and 20.5″, so definitely chubbier!

I thought it might be a little helpful to be able to refer to pictures of real babies in disposables, so you can keep that in mind when viewing newborn cloth diapers, and how they fit on my “model.”

Here is my daughter as a newborn, 6-6 1/2 lbs and 21″ in a newborn disposable diaper (notice the diaper still had to be folded down under her umbilical cord.)

nb 6ish lb 21 in sz nb

Here is my son as a newborn, about 8 lbs, 20.5″ and in a size one disposable diaper (also folded down…newborn diapers fit him better until his cord stump fell off.)

nb 8 lb 20.5 in sz 1

Lastly, just to show that most of the newborn cloth diapers I’ve been reviewing won’t fit a really, really big baby well, here’s my son at 3 months old, about 13 pounds and 24.5″ in a size 2 disposable.

3 mos 13 lb 24.5 in sz 2

I have several more newborn diapers to review for you, so you will see them photographed, measured and pictured on my “model,” below him modeling a similar size disposable diaper. Hopefully seeing how disposable diapers fit different size babies will help you picture how each cloth diaper will fit your newborn.

When I have a real model at some point, you will see the same diapers on a baby, at the lowest weight I can manage, and the highest weight I can get the diaper to fit. You’ll also hear opinions on the performance and absorbency.

I hope my photo reviews will help the expectant and new moms choose newborn diapers, even though I don’t have a baby to try them on yet!

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