Cloth Diapering Warranties

My Bumgenius Warranty Experience


bumgenius cloth diapers
So, for anyone who inevitably says “tl;dr,” (that is, too long; didn’t read…and I don’t blame you if you do!) here’s the cliff notes version: I big puffy heart Cottonbabies customer service.
curling aplix

My first ever cloth diapers were Bumgenius 3.0s.  I bought three in October 2009, and bought three more maybe a week or so later.  Those 6 diapers have gotten a lot of use, since my strategy was to wash often, saving the money I would have spent on disposables.  I used that money to build my stash gradually, and it was several months before I finally had enough to go to every other day washing!

cloth diapers after washing

I knew from reviews that Bumgenius aplix didn’t last very long, but after a few months, my diapers started looking like this when they came out of the wash!

These two saw the worst of it.  The laundry tabs were pilly, one was rather shrunken, and the closure tabs were curled.
I know that Cottonbabies sells refresher kits, but I don’t have a sewing machine.  My Mom has an older one that she would let me use, but it’s kind of awful (sorry Mom!) and would probably make a mess of it.  I was thinking I could just buy some white thread and try to do them by hand, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to check first, to see if this would be covered under the 1 year warranty.
I contacted Cottonbabies customer service on Monday, August 23rd and had a response the same day.  To my surprise, it indeed would be covered under warranty.  On the one hand, a product advertised to take your baby through potty training should last at least a year without needing “refreshing,” but on the other hand, it didn’t seem surprising to have aplix issues after nearly a year of lots of use.  I was pleasantly surprised!
I read on, and the other shoe dropped.  The email said I would need to include info on how I cared for the diapers, including detergent.  Dun dun dunnnnnn!  We went back and forth for a few days, since the insinuation was that my warranty would be voided since I used detergents that were not “5 stars” on the “safe” list.
Finally, on August 27th, I received word that it should be OK, and I could go ahead and send them in.
bumgenius cloth diapers
I filled out an easy form online, received an RMA number, and packed the diapers up with a copy of my receipt, info about what was wrong with them, and included the RMA number inside and on the label.  For the record, the RMA form did not ask me to include any info about how I cared for them.
Cottonbabies requires that diapers sent back be clean and stink free, and I think mine were.  They didn’t say whether or not I need to send along the inserts and doublers, so I went ahead and put them in.  I sent them via USPS priority mail, printed online with delivery confirmation, at a cost of $5.05.
I put them in the mail on Saturday, August 28th.  I actually felt a little sad saying goodbye to these, since they are two of the three diapers that started me on my cloth diapering journey.  Am I weird or what?
On Monday, August 30th, I received an email saying that my exchange was processed, and that I’d be receiving another email when my replacement diapers shipped.  #1, hello, that was fast!  #2 how awesome that I was kept aware of every step!
On Thursday, September 2nd, I received a shipping notice with a tracking number.
bumgenius 4.0 pocket diapers
On Tuesday, September 7th, I received two brand new Bumgenius diapers in the mail!! They were in the next town over the weekend, so I know they would have been here even sooner if it weren’t for the holiday.

The surprise was that they are 4.0 diapers! Yay!! So that means I probably won’t have any more problems with the aplix, though I assume replacement diapers don’t come with their own warranty.

I am just beyond thrilled right now. Essentially for $5.05 I have two spanking new diapers, and got 10 1/2 months use out of the original diapers.

Awesome, just awesome! Especially when I think about the trouble I had with my Blueberry aplix after only a month or so, and the “too bad for you” response I received when I contacted them!

I have heard Bumgenius referred to as the “Wal Mart of Cloth Diapers” and while I do think they are a big name in cloth diapering, they didn’t get there with poor business practices. They make an awesome product; I have lots of favorites, but BG are still the ones my husband reaches for (past others) and they have just been all around great for us! This is just icing on the cake for me!

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Guest Posting

I’m featured on Chubby Cheeks Thinks!


Chubby Cheeks Thinks is a really cute blog (the header makes me want a cupcake!!) with lots of reviews and giveaways.

Today, I’m the featured blogger!  Ch-ch-check it out!

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Cloth Wipes Diaper Accessories Giveaway Made in the USA Review WAHM made Wipes Solution

Ruby Moon Cloth Wipes & Wipe Solution Bits Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 9/13)


ruby moon cloth wipes

Ruby Moon is a Mom owned company that makes all natural cloth diaper detergent, laundry detergent, pail powder, cloth wipes, wipe bits and wool wash bars.  I received wipes and wipes bits to review.

cloth wipes
The wipes are flannel and terry cloth, and have color coordinated stitching.
cloth wipes
They measure approximately 6″ x 6″.
cloth wipes
They are a little smaller than other wipes that I have, and also a bit thicker.
cloth wipescloth wipes

While I do prefer my diaper wipes slightly larger and thinner, the Ruby Moon wipes have been serving as excellent hand and face wipers for my son!  Wipes are available in feminine, masculine or gender neutral prints.  6 wipes are $11.95, 12 are $21.50 and 24 are $35.95.  Ruby Moon can also make custom wipes to match your nursery, theme or even use fabric you already have.

ruby moon wipes bits
I also received a sample package of Ruby Moon Natural Wipe Bits.  They are made with Shea butter soap, oatmeal and lavender.  2 oz. of wipe bits (and a wipe) sell for $4.50. 
ruby moon
I think wipe solution bits are a great deal.  I use my solution in a spray bottle, and in about 10 or 11 months, I’ve used a sample pack of one brand, and barely made a dent in a pack of another.  Depending on how you use your solution, and how much you use, one pack could last months!
cloth wipes solution bits
cloth wipes solution
cloth wipes solution sprayDissolve 1-2 cubes in a cup of water.  I like my solution light, so I use just one.  I also prefer to use bottled water since it takes me so long to go through it!
cloth wipes bitscloth wipes solution

Allow solution to cool, then pour into your spray bottle, Peri bottle, or however you choose to use it.

I found the scent to be very light, like a mild soap.  It did the job of getting my son’s tush clean with minimal wiping, and did not irritate his skin!

While supplies last: Mention me when you order, and get a free wipe!

Want to read more about cloth wipes and solutions, including how to fold wipes to pop up in a wipes container?  Check out my Cloth Wipes Post on The Village of Moms!

Giveaway time!  Ruby Moon is offering a 6-pack of wipes in the winner’s choice of girl, boy or gender neutral, along with a package of wipes bits; a combined retail value of $16.45.

How to enter: All entries go in the form.  Entries left in the comments will not be counted.  Feel free to leave a comment to remind yourself you entered.  I will also be updating the post daily(ish) with the # of entries received, for those of you who like to know their odds!

Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite product from The Ruby Moon Online Store.  Bonus Entry: “Like” Ruby Moon Laundry Wash on Facebook.

I will accept entries until Monday, September 13th, 2010 at 9 P.M. Eastern.  I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email.  View my giveaway rules page for complete details.  This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

# of entries as of 9/13/10 at 7:30 P.M: 111
FTC Compliance: I was provided samples for review purposes at no charge, and a giveaway winner will receive a free item as well.  I was not otherwise compensated for this post; I was not required or requested to write a positive review, and all opinions are my own.

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 9/6/10


Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions. They don’t have to be about cloth diapering! I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to Maria at change-diapers dot com.

Please note: My intent is to get a queue of questions for the next several months, so it may be some time before your submission is posted. If you would like me to email my response so you don’t have to wait until your question is posted, let me know!

Amanda says

I have never used cloth wipes. Do you a special spray with them, just wet them with water, something else….???


Joy says:

Hi Maria!

Question: what wipes solution do you use? Do you find it easier to spray it on the cloth wipes or have them soaking?


I love cloth wipes!  I chose these questions for today because they are so timely.  As you know, I’m a regular writer at the Village of Moms now, and my post today is on cloth wipes!  I’d love for you to check it out, I wrote about wipes, wipes solutions and even posted a video demonstrating how to fold wipes to pop up in a wipes container!

If you don’t have time to read it right now, I like to use the wipes solution “bits” made by various WAHMs.  I dissolve them in water, then fill a spray bottle.  I actually find it works better to spray my son’s tush; a couple spritzes gets the job done easier than saturating the wipe for me.  It doesn’t bother him, it usually makes him giggle, but who knows what another baby would think!  😉

I’m also double posting today (shocking I know) because my review and giveaway of Ruby Moon Laundry Wash is for wipes and solution bits!  So make sure you enter that as well, it ends on 9/13/10.

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for September 3rd, 2010



Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper, babywearing and “green” giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing/green giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com.

This week’s giveaway finds:

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

Knickernappies Hanging Pail liner and One Size Diaper (ends 9/9)

Bummis Bamboozle5 Winners – SUPER easy entry (1 method, just comment) but HURRY, (ends 9/6)

Bummas Wipes from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 9/13) Open to the U.S. and Canada 

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Washy Wafers from Familylicious Reviews and The Diaper Wagon (ends 9/19)

Drybees AIO Hybrid Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 9/20)

FuzziBunz One Size Pocket Diaper from The Small Town Mom (ends 9/14)

Thirsties Fab Fitted, Cover & Tree Huggin’ Designs Wipes from Tree Huggin’ Mama (ends 9/9)

Bummis Easy Fit Diaper from Stuff Parents Need (ends 9/11)

$15 Gift Card to The Diaper Wagon from The Review Stew (ends 9/15)

Thirsties Duo Diaper from The B Keeps Us Honest and Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique (ends 9/12)

Planet Wise Large Wet Bag from The Cloth Diaper Report and Doable Diaper (ends 9/14)

Knickernappies 2G Pocket Diaper from Earth Angels Diaper Co. (ends 9/15)

WHAMies Pail Liner from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 9/30)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Hemp Prefold from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 9/21) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Ergo Baby Carrier from I’d Rather Be Changing Diapers (ends 9/19)

Snap EZ diaper from Organic Girl and Dapa Diapers (ends 10/4) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Fuzzibunz One Size Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 9/9)

Giveaways still running from last week:

$20 Gift Certificate to Wee Little Changes from It’s Me Melbie (ends 9/22)

Planet Wise pail liner from I’ts Me Melbie and Nicki’s Diapers (ends 9/8)

FuzziBunz Perfect Size Diaper from My New Life as Mom and Snappy Diapers (ends 9/6)

Bum Essentials Diaper from My New Life as Mom (ends 9/9)

Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from My New Life as Mom (ends TODAY, 9/3)

Nifty Nappy Diaper from It’s Me Melbie (ends TOMORROW, 9/4)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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