Eco-Friendly/Green Made in the USA Reusable Products Review

Lunchskins Reusable Cloth Sandwich Pouch Review


lunchskins pink fruit series slices bag

In January, I reviewed two handmade snack bags I purchased on Etsy, for my daughter to take to preschool.

reusable baghandmade snack bag

The smaller, pink polka dotted snack bag I purchased from cottontopquilts, was used twice per week from January through June.  It’s still works wonderfully and we’re using it for Kindergarten as well.


Unfortunately, the Tinkerbell print bag from smartsnackbags did not fare as well.  I used the smaller bag each time she went to preschool for various snacks.  I only used the larger one when I sent fruit, or something else that wouldn’t fit in the smaller bag.  Thus, it was only used once or twice per month, and was treated with care.  Unfortunately, after 4 months of occasional use, it had fallen apart.  I typically just wiped it or shook it out, but happened to flip it inside out one day and saw what it looked like.  My daughter told me it had looked like that for a while!

I contacted the seller to let her know what had happened, wondering if she’d had other problems with them.  3 months later I still haven’t gotten a response.  Oh well!

lunchskins sanwich bag

In any case, I wanted a new, larger snack bag, and I wanted to get a few, since she’d be eating lunch at school every day at Kindergarten.

green snack bag

When I saw this lunchskins bag at our local organic market for $7.69, I had to pick it up.  My daughter loves pink!

earth-friendly snack bag

Lunchskins are made of thick cotton fabric, coated with a food safe polyurethane liner.  They are lead, BPA and phthlate free.


The bag is very sturdy and durable, and appears to be well made.  The above photo is the inside seam, I don’t think this one will fall apart!


I had planned to use the sandwich size bag as a large snack bag, but it became a sandwich bag when I discovered that the plastic sandwich tote Grandma had bought wouldn’t fit in her lunch box!

lunchskins bag

It fits well and it didn’t get squished.  Since we compost, my daughter doesn’t throw anything away at school, so I’m not worried about it getting tossed.  Her crusts were still soft when I emptied her bag!


I was probably a little too excited when I realized Lunchskins are also dishwasher safe!!  Woo-hoo!!  Below is after it’s first ride in the dishwasher (it emerged unscathed.)

dishwasher safe sandwich bag

After using it for a week, I had to have more.  With back to school, it was slim pickings at the store, so I got the last sandwich size bag they had.

lunchskins red bud logo series sandwich bag

My store also had the sub size bags, but they didn’t have the snack size bags, which I want!  The bags come in tons of cute colors and patterns, and you can use them in pretty much any case that would have you reaching for a plastic bag!

Direct from Lunchskins, the sandwich size bag I purchased retails for $8.95.  The sub bags are $10.95 and the snack size bags are $7.85.  It may seem like a pricey investment, but they can be reused hundreds of times.  I don’t buy many plastic bags, but I remember being shocked at the price the last time I did.

P.S. Boy does the word sandwich ever look weird after typing and looking at it so many times, I had to spell-check to make sure I wasn’t spelling it wrong!

P.P.S. My spell-check wants to change smartsnackbags to stinkbugs, which I find hilarious.

FTC Compliance: All products pictured/discussed/reviewed were purchased at normal store prices by me.  All opinions are my own, based on my experience.

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

GroVia Wipes Winner!



I didn’t get any negative feedback about the form entry, so that is what I will continue to do.  I’m loving it thus far!

There were a total of 107 entrants and 126 entries (I have lots of Mailbox Mondays material!!)  The winning entry is #88, which is Sarah G.  Congrats Sarah, I’m emailing you now!

Look for another giveaway next week, as well as some info on an event coming up, which will feature lots of giveaways!

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Cloth Diapering

My $15 disappearing clothesline / The world’s cheapest, most effective stain remover


cloth diapers

I have been cloth diapering for over 10 months, yet I had never “sunned” a diaper!  I didn’t have a clothes line, and I’m pretty sure one critter or another would make off with-or make a home in-anything I laid on my porch or sidewalk!

clothes line

This retractable clothes line was $14.29 at Lowes, and took my husband less than 5 minutes to put up (I’m sure I could have done it myself too!)

The line is easily removable with a single pin, so you can bring it inside over the winter.
line reel
49 feet of clothesline easily retracts into the reel.
There is a simple hook on the other side.
rectractable clothes line
Just pull the line, and hook it on!
clothes line
You loop the line over the “peg” on the bottom, to keep more from pulling out as you hang your laundry.  I had to loop mine a second time when I hung a soaking wet Superdo on the line!  That thing is heavy!
We don’t have too much of an issue with staining, but we had some messy diapers in the wake of Blueberrygate 2010 that led to some stains!  I took pictures of the most stained before and after, but a) decided that was a little disgusting and I didn’t want anyone to lose their lunch and b) The results don’t seem as impressive in a photo as they did in person!  The first time I used the line, it was fairly late in the day, so the diapers were only hung for maybe two hours.  Even in that time, I could see a big difference! 
I’m finding that diapers and inserts made of natural materials (hemp, bamboo, organic cotton) need a quick tumble in the dryer to soften up, but I am loving line drying!

P.S. I’m on Mom’s Misc Adventures today!

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 8/30/10



Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions. They don’t have to be about cloth diapering! I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to Maria at change-diapers dot com!

Please note: My intent is to get a queue of questions for the next several months, so it may be some time before your submission is posted. If you would like me to email my response so you don’t have to wait until your question is posted, let me know!

Kelly says:

Detergent question- i’m sure you get tons of these, but i’ve been wondering… I was using RnG hard rock but still had stinky microfiber so i decided to save myself some $ and use tide. our local stores only have original tide in the HE formula, but I have an older top loader (def. not high efficiency!) Can i still use this on my diapers? If so, any idea how much i should use?

wahm question- I’ve started getting into buying diapers from wahm on hyenacart. Do you ever do reviews or giveaways of those kinds of diapers? I’m always hesitant to try out a new brand w/o having heard an honest review. 🙂

Love your blog, thanks! ~Kelly
First Question:
Microfiber just tends to get the stinkies!  If your Rockin’ Green is otherwise working for you, try “Rockin’ a soak” followed by lots of extra rinses.  If the stink remains, try adding 1/4 cup of bleach to a full load of inserts (not the diapers, just the inserts!)  Once I found a detergent that worked for me, I rarely had any issues.  If I start to get a whiff of the weird microfiber stink, or ammonia, I will do a dab of bleach with the inserts.  It knocks it out before it gets bad; I do this about one per month.
As far as Tide goes yes, you can use HE detergent in a regular machine.  Use the same amount you normally would.  You will notice less suds than usual; that’s the main difference between HE detergent and regular detergent. 
I have an HE machine and soft water, and even using 1/4-1/2 of the LOWEST load line (1) of powdered Tide, I have to do some additional rinses to get it all out.  If you decide to try it, be very conservative in the amount you use.  If you need a bunch of extra rinses, cut it back even more.  If you don’t think your diapers are getting clean, add a little extra!
Second Question:
I love WAHMs!  I have done some reviews of diapers sold on HyenaCart.  Check out my Review Archive Page.  I think there are at least 10+ HyenaCart sellers there however, email me any time if you have a specific seller/product in mind that you’d like me to review.  Not all WAHMs are able or willing to do free or discounted products for reviews, but I will see what I can do for you!
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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Smartipants Diaper Winner!



Thank you to everyone who entered!  Congratulations to Kim!  I’ve emailed you!

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