Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for July 9th, 2010


Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper, babywearing and “green” giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted.  The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.  Thank you again Kalyn for the button/icon!!
If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing/green giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to at gmail dot com.
My Current Giveaways
This week’s giveaway finds
Knickernappies 4th of July Giveaway This one is open worldwide (ends 7/18)  One winner gets a Red, White & Blue 2G Pocket Diaper Trio w/ Inserts in the size of your choice!
FREE DIAPERS at Feed Your Stash Friday 
Bumgenius Organic One Size AIO from Liz has a life – Sponsored by The Diaper Wagon (ends 7/13)
Beco Baby Carrier from Mama Notes (ends 7/19) – Easy entry!!

Preston’s Pants Diaper ($20 gift certificate) from Organic Girl Open to the U.S. and Canada! (ends 8/4)

Babee Greens Diaper, Wipes & Wipe Spray from Organic Girl Open to the U.S. and Canada!  (ends 7/17)

Happy Heiny’s Diaper from The Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative (ends 7/20) This is one of the types of contests that I don’t usually enter, because you have to follow the blog and like two Facebook pages to get a  single entry, but I figure I might as well tell you about it anyway, in case you want to enter!

Bumma’s Cloth Wipes from The Crafty Nest (ends 7/26)

3 Pair of Babylegs from HSUperparents (ends 7/22)

Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag from Mommy of 1 and Counting (ends 7/17)

Giveaways still running from last week

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below, and you can use the code to paste it into your own blog as well. The format Blog nameGiveaway ItemEnding date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

Lastly, come check me out at Simply Stacie.  I’m the featured blogger today!!

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Giveaway Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Favorite Things Mini Stash Giveaway Winner


Edit 7/12: I received no response from the winner, therefore a new winner will be drawn.
I’ve chosen a winner for the favorite things mini cloth diaper stash.  The winner gets a Flip, a Smartipants and a Kissaluvs Marvels AIO diaper.  I really appreciate all the great comments!
Comment #90 is Kangaroo Momma of Shrinking and Losing
I’ve said before that you need to leave your email address if it isn’t visible in your profile, that I wasn’t sending out a search party for winners again!  Kangaroo Momma’s blog hasn’t been updated in a few months, but hopefully she will read the comment I left her, and email me to claim her prize.
You have 48 hours to email me at at gmail dot com.  If I don’t hear from you by then, your prize will be forfeited and a new winner chosen!
Thank you to everyone who entered!  I’m hoping to be able to do another giveaway like this in the future!
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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

New Feature-Friday Giveaway Linkup


I’m a day late this time (as always), but I’ve decided to do a Friday giveaway linkup each week.  I’ll list my current giveaways, as well as any good giveaways for cloth diapers and accessories, babywearing stuff (I’m always on the prowl for baby carrier giveaways!) and other “green” products.

I’ll list giveaways I’ve found, as well as reader submitted giveaways.  If you would like to submit your own cloth diaper/accessory/”green” giveaway (or one you’ve found), please email the blog name, giveaway description, ending date, link and a photo (if applicable) to at gmail dot com.

Each post will be accompanied by a MckLinky a.k.a. Linky Tools.  You may enter any family friendly (please, no “adult” products) in the Linky, it doesn’t need to be cloth diaper related.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

My “favorite things” mini stash giveaway (Kissaluvs, SmartiPants & Flip) ends 7/8

Katydid Cloth One Size Pocket Diaper (ends 7/12)

Diaper Junction’s weekly “Feed your Stash Friday”

Feed Your Stash Friday: July 2-8, 2010

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer’s “Fluff Fridays” 3 FuzziBunz Diapers

Trees Will Bend One Size Knickernappies Diaper – Sponsored by Wee Little Changes (ends 7/6)

Ergo Carrier from Takin’ Care of Twins (ends 7/5!)

Ergo Carrier from Survey Junkie (ends 7/17)

The Crafty Nest will have a cloth diaper giveaway every day from July 5th-11th during their Cloth Diaper Week!

Again, please feel free to email me if you have a giveaway you’d like listed next week.  I’d also love to have some sort of icon/button for my Friday linkup, but I’m lazy and not good at such things.  Soooo…I would gladly accept help.  Hint hint!  I will reward you!  Thank you so much Kalyn for making the icon for me!!

On a side note, I recently discovered Giveaway Scout.  If you have a blog that does giveaways, you can add your blog to the listing.  Giveaway scout automatically scans blogs and updates a list of giveaways every hour!

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below, and you can use the code to paste it into your own blog as well.  The format Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well.  At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

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Cloth Diapers Giveaway One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Review Snap Closure

Oh Katy (Formerly Katydid Cloth) One Size Pocket Diaper Review




Before I begin, I have to thank my lovely reader, Jill, for introducing me to Katydid Cloth Diapers!  I contacted the company after Jill mentioned Katydid as a diaper she’d love to see me review/give away.



Katie responded to me right away, and my review diaper came in the mail in just a few days!



Katydid Cloth had all the makings of a favorite diaper for me right off the bat.



Their diapers are one size pocket diapers with a snap down rise and snap closures, and they include a microfiber insert and doubler.




Right now, the diapers are available in berry, sage, melon and twilight, but more colors are coming!  I love the twilight color!



There are a couple of things that make Katydid special.  One is the front pocket opening.  With this, you don’t have to reach through an icky mess to pull out the insert. 




The snap overlap allows you to easily roll the diaper up and take it with you, if you find yourself with a dirty diaper and no wet bag.  This actually just happened to me last week!  Katydid calls this the “wrap & snap” feature.



The microfleece inner is so soft.  Oh my.  None of my other diapers are this soft.  I would think it would lose some of the softness with repeated washings, but I do not recall any of my diapers being this soft when new.  I want a pillow (or some undies, hee hee!) made out of this!!



The diaper has a simple snapping setup, but it also has an additional “newborn side snap.”  There are other diapers out there that have a “hip snap” to prevent wing droop, but I find them far more confusing.  This diaper has two side snap options on each side of the front of the diaper.  The male/female snaps are the reverse of the wing snaps, so it’s not confusing as to what’s supposed to snap where.  (Although what I just wrote sounds confusing!)



If your baby is small enough to need these, simply snap them first.



Then, finish snapping the wings.  The “hip snap” is female, not male, so it shouldn’t dig into your baby’s skin when s/he is big enough not to have it snapped anymore.


For those that aren’t familiar with “wing droop” on newborns, I’ve asked my lovely assistant, Manny Bear, to demonstrate.  Manny’s day job is bear lumberjack, so I’ve cut his head out of the pictures, to protect his privacy. He said he was afraid the other stuffed animals would make fun of him if they found out he was moonlighting as a diaper model.



As you can see, on a tiny baby (or bear), the diaper snaps very close to the middle, and the wings are left flapping in the breeze.



If I use the newborn side snaps, I get a great fit, with no wing droop.



If I can get a good fit on fuzzy bear legs, I’m pretty sure I could get a good fit on newborn chicken legs too!  I mean that figuratively of course.  I’m not going to try to diaper a chicken.


So how does it measure up?  It sure does get teeny tiny.  The medium setting seems just about the same as the medium setting of a Bumgenius 3.0.



I noticed that the rise snap layout looked ever so slightly different.



They have the same adjustable size microfiber insert, along with a newborn insert/doubler.  I greatly prefer this snap down insert adjustment, since it saves a step and takes the guesswork out of diaper stuffing!



Overall, the Katydid insert is just a smidge smaller.



It also has two snaps to adjust the size of the insert, which allows it to lay flatter.



Finally, I measured the diaper on the small, medium and large settings, both folded in half, and fully stretched.  For comparison, I measured a Bumgenius 3.0 on small & large settings in this post.










It seems to be a bit smaller than the Bumgenius, and the small setting seems much more likely to fit a tiny baby.  The Katydid Cloth diaper is estimated to fit babies 8-35 lbs, but that of course can vary greatly based on your baby’s shape!


My son is rather petite at 17.5 lbs and 28.5″ or so at 13 months.



He fit in the medium setting, with plenty of room to grow.



The back of the diaper doesn’t sit quite right.  I wonder if it’s because I used the side snaps.  Looking at this picture, it seems that’s what caused it.



I really don’t need the side snap at my son’s size, but it didn’t affect the diaper.  We still used it as our first in the morning diaper, with no leaks!


At $17.95 each, Katydid Cloth diapers are priced wonderfully for a one-size diaper. Editor’s note: Katydid Cloth has been renamed Oh Katy.See this diaper on my newborn.

Want one?  Shop for them or win one!  Katydid is sending one blog reader a one-size pocket diaper in his/her choice of color!


Here’s how to enter:  You may do any or all of the below. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Be sure the leave your email address in at least one of your comments if it isn’t visible in your profile.

1. Visit Katydid Cloth and comment with which color is your favorite.
2. Follow my blog.
3. Follow Katydid’s blog.
4. “Like” me on Facebook
8. Tweet about ths giveaway.  Please include a link back to this post.  You may receive an entry for tweeting once per day.  You may use this tweet if you like: #giveaway for a @KatydidCloth #clothdiapers from @chgdiapers ends 7/12

I will accept entries until Monday, July 12th, 2010 at 9 P.M. Eastern. Open to the U.S. only. Winner will be chosen using’s true random number generator and will be notified by email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond.
Thank you to Katydid for providing the awesome review diaper as well as the giveaway winner’s diaper.  Their generosity in no way affected my review.  I was not requested or required to write a positive review.
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Bumgenius News

>It is a 4.0.

Larger sizing, better hook & loop,  and easily accessible, replaceable elastic.

3 new, light pastel colors including lavender, and a snap closure option.

Whole lotta hype for nothin’!  As far as I’m concerned, they’ve “cried wolf.”  If they tell me again there is some fabulous new product, that the one size diapers are being discontinued, I will not believe them.  I’ll assume it’s just some lame new color, a tweak and a 5.0 label.  I’m not waiting around on YouTube again.

I would have been just as likely to buy if they had told me there was a 4.0 coming, it would have improvements, but be the same diaper we love.  In fact, I would have bought some just for the new closures, and I wouldn’t be peeved like I am now.  Hope it was worth it Cottonbabies.

That said, expect a review/giveaway soon.  😉  After many page loads, I managed to get an order in for a diaper for me to review, as well as a snap AND velcro closure diaper for a winner. 

P.S. They also say the bright colors will be coming back, so that’s good news at least.

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