The Rafflecopter/random portion of the giveaway had 947 entrants and 6,102 entries.
Cloth Diapers at #ABCKids15
Post contains affiliate links. I spent a lot of my time at the 2015 ABC Kids Expo in cloth diaper booths because, well..obviously. I’ve already shared the new Bumgenius/Cottonbabies products with you but there is so much more. Some products aren’t available yet so I’m trying to make sense of my chicken scratch notes. Accuracy not guaranteed. 😉

The Applecheeks booth was a fun place to get a glitter tattoo and I managed to time my Instagram video perfectly to capture their accessory reveal!
For nearly the past two years, GroVia and owner Kim Ormsby have offered enormous physical and financial support to Giving Diapers Giving Hope (GDGH). Although I became involved with the organization last year after the partnership began, I feel GDGH simply wouldn’t have made it without them.
Thirsties Woodland Collection – 3 Winners – U.S. & Canada (11/4)
Post contains affiliate links. I’ve teamed up with my friends Amanda of The Eco Friendly Family and Kim of Dirty Diaper Laundry for a fun giveaway with three chances and two ways to win the new Thirsties Woodland Collection, available in Duo Wrap, Newborn All in One, and the One Size All in One!
This giveaway had 445 entrants and 2479 entries.