Post contains affiliate links. The Thirsties one size AIO is an amazing, easy to use diaper, but now there’s one for you natural fiber lovers and I’m giving one away!
Smart Bottoms 3.1 Organic, USA Made AIO Cloth Diapers

Change-Diapers received a free diaper for review purposes. We were not otherwise compensated for this post and all opinions are our own. Smart Bottoms cloth diapers are made in the USA and the brand offers a variety of covers, inserts, swim diapers, wet bags, trainers and both newborn and one size all-in-ones.

Change-Diapers received a product at no cost for review purposes. We were not otherwise compensated for this post and all opinions are our own. I’ll be honest, I was disappointed that I didn’t get to try a Bambino Mio MioSolo AIO while my kids were in diapers! I played with it before sending to Katie to test and I think it’s safe to say we both love it.
New Cloth Diapers & Accessories for 2015
Post contains affiliate links. The Best of 2015 awards are coming soon! Let’s take a look back at some of the new cloth diapers & accessories that were released this year, then nominate your favorites to appear on the ballot.
Celebrating 6 Years With a Huge Cloth Diaper Giveaway
Post contains affiliate links. 6 years ago I sat down and pecked out the first few posts on Change-Diapers (then hosted on Blogspot). I had switched my middle child to cloth diapers and was having a hard time finding all of the information. Bits here, pieces there and lots of contradictions. I was far from an expert but hoped that sharing my journey would help others in the same position. I jokingly say that you can find a “cloth diaper blogger” on every street corner now days but that wasn’t the case in 2009!
Here I am 6 years later, still blogging and having cloth diapered two children during that time. Earlier this year I bid on a package Cottonbabies contributed to a charity auction and won. I tucked away the solid colors to use as prizes and saved the Jules print for this! I’m not sure if Jules is still anyone’s unicorn but one of you will win a Bumgenuis 4.0 in Jules print from me and lots of great sponsors are offering prizes as well!