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Mailbox Monday is time to answer a reader submitted question. Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
Omee’s Boutique Bib & Mama Cloth Liner Review / Giveaway (CLOSED 11/8) U.S./Canada
Omee’s Boutique is a mom-owned shop in Canada. Omee makes beautiful handmade baby to toddler bibs and burp cloths, blankets, pacifier clips, cloth wipes, cloth menstrual pads and nursing pads.
Chelory was one of those brands that I was very curious about, like Ragababe. They have a big following, are pricey and hard to get. I’d heard about them in a cloth group quite a while ago, and at first glance, they looked just like Bumgenius to me.
Time to answer a reader question on Mailbox Monday! Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.