Cloth Diapers Giveaway Large/Special Needs Diapers Made in the USA One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Review Side Snapping Sized Diapers Snap Closure WAHM made

Green Acre Designs Cloth Diaper Review & Giveaway U.S./Canada (CLOSED 4/19)

green acre designs cloth diaper

Since I started cloth diapering in 2009, I’ve heard Green Acre Designs (GAD) mentioned a lot. GAD makes sized pocket diapers and AIOs with PUL, fleece, or fuzzy “GADimals” outers. They also have one-size semi-fitted pockets, covers and inserts. Definitely worth noting are their husky medium and extra-large sizes. Weights are difficult to estimate since it really depends on the child’s build, but GAD estimates the extra-large will fit 29-55 pounds (Rise: 15-22, Waist: 14-28, Thigh: 11-19, Stride: 6), so check these out if you’re looking for a large or special needs child!

green acre designs  with insert

I received a gorgeous embroidered medium pocket diaper and a one-size microfiber terry insert.

green acre designs one size insertgreen acre designs loop insert

The embroidered diaper retails for $23.95 and the inserts are $4.50 each. The insert is sewn in a loop for more thorough washing and faster drying, and the flaps give you the ability to put the absorbency where you need it (4 layers in the insert and 4 in the flaps.) Green Acre Designs also has sized microfiber and French terry inserts, one-size hemp French terry inserts and hemp French terry doublers.

green acre designs front and back elasticgreen acre designs side snapping

The pocket diaper has elastic on both the front and back of the diaper to contain messes, and side snaps for a trim fit.

green acre designs embroidery covered

The diaper I received has an additional flap of PUL covering the embroidery to prevent any wicking through. This embroidery backing is an option available for an additional $1.00.

green acre designs frontgreen acre designs sidegreen acre designs back

The diaper has 1 mil PUL outside and microfleece inside. All GAD diapers come with a one-year warranty on snaps, elastic and PUL!

green acre designs earth day embroidery

I received the “green baby” embroidery on kiwi PUL with butter microfleece, but there are tons of color and embroidery options available!

I’m loving all the little details like the finished pocket opening edges.

green acre designs finished pocket opening edges

The diaper I received is a medium. My son is about 22 months and 22 pounds, and it fits him wonderfully with plenty of room to grow. Here is the size chart (ranges of course vary greatly based on your baby’s size & shape!):

Pocket Sizing
Waist (Inches) Thigh (Inches) Rise (Inches) Stride (Inches) Weight (Pounds)
Approximate Age
Small 8-16 6-9 10.5-14 4.5 7-15 0-6 Months
Medium 11-23 8-13 12-16 5.5 12-25 2-18 Months
Medium Long 11-23 8-14 12.5-17 5.5 15-35 3 Months-2.5 Years
Husky Medium 12-24 8-14 12-16 5.5 15-35 3 Months-2.5 Years
Large 12-24 9-15 14-19 5.5 22-40 8 Months-4 Years
Extra Large Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon 6 28-55 1.5 Years-7 Year

Here I’ve measured the medium folded and stretched:

green acre designs medium foldedgreen acre designs medium stretched

I thought the diaper looked just as adorable on.

green acre designs green acre designs front
green acre designs leggreen acre designs front

It fit really well, and the one-size microfiber insert was very absorbent. It did take me a little bit to figure out exactly how to fold it, so he has quite the booty in this picture!!

green acre designs sidegreen acre designs back

Giveaway: Green Acre Designs is offering one reader a PUL pocket diaper with microfleece inner, in their choice of color and size, along with a microfiber insert (ARV $19.45.) The winner is able to upgrade to a hemp insert for $2.00, or pay to add embroidery if they choose!

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below. I love comments (great way to remind yourself you entered) but comments do not count as entries.

Mandatory entries include your name, email address and your Green Acre Designs feedback. Tell me what you like best/least. This could be products, colors, something about the website etc. You may receive Bonus entries if you follow Green Acre Designs on Twitter and/or Tweet about this giveaway (one time entry for tweeting please.) You may use this tweet if you like: #win a #clothdiaper #giveaway from @chgdiapers and @GADclothdiapers #GreenAcreDesigns #clothdiapers rock! Ends 4/19

I will accept entries until Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada

# of entries received as of giveaway close: 217

FTC compliance: I received the above item at no charge in order to review them. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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Cloth Diapers Mailbox Mondays

Cloth Diaper Advice – Mailbox Mondays 4/11/11

Cloth Diaper Advice

If you need cloth diaper help, on Mondays, I answer reader submitted questions, and ask my other readers to weigh in as well.

Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or Fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

No submissions this week, so I figured I’d ramble about things & stuff.
I have said over and over again that I think it’s wise to “diversify your stash,” rather than having a whole stash of just one diaper. Even so, I often wonder hmm…what would I choose if someone said “I’ll buy you a whole stash of cloth diapers, but you have to choose just one brand.”

I have a lot of favorites that I love for various reasons, but I actually think I would choose Bumgenius 4.0 if you held a gun to my head and made me choose (after I told you it was a little nutty to put a gun to my head over cloth diapers of course.) If you’d throw in a stack of Knickernappies Loopydo and Superdo inserts, I’d be really thrilled!

Why do I love them so much? Well, maybe I have a little soft spot since they (Bumgenius 3.0) were the first 6 diapers I bought. 3 of those 6 diapers were replaced under the amazing Bumgenius/Cottonbabies warranty, two are in serious need of aplix replacement, and one still looks and works just about like new, aside from a little pilling etc. That’s after 18 months of use, and during several months of that, those six were washed one or two times every day.

The Bumgenius fit really well and don’t leak. They are what I grab for if I know we are going to be out and about. They are super, super easy to use and are the first my husband reaches for. The improvement of the Velcro on the 4.0 version really sealed the deal for me. They don’t come in tons of colors, but those that they have are nice. I’m very glad the brights are back! When I first started cloth diapering, $17.95 for a diaper seemed spendy, but now it’s really a pretty good deal.

How about you? What would you choose if someone offered to buy you a full stash of just one brand?

So that leads me to the other thing I was thinking about. Cost.

I guess since Bumgenius is sort of my benchmark or gold standard when trying other diapers, I also compare others to their price point. If a diaper is one-size and under $20, I’m there. When it starts creeping up to the $20-$25 range, it had better be cute and have a great track record. I would consider a diaper in the $25-$28 range, but I would honestly be pretty hesitant to spend that much. Especially since the most expensive diapers I’ve ever bought, the Goodmama One and Blueberry Minky (before the price decrease that came with the change to microfiber inserts) turned out to be the most disappointing and biggest wastes of money, leaving a bad taste in my mouth for pricey diapers!

Now, I will admit that I would probably pay more for a diaper that I already knew I loved (like a few WAHMs that are my favorites) that was in a print I was obsessed with (like this Guerilla Fluff diaper I’m still pining over more than a year later. Boo-hoo!!) Or a really special diaper as a keepsake, like baby’s first diaper or something.

What really made me think of this was a lovely newborn diaper that a manufacturer/retailer posted on Facebook Friday. It was a lovely diaper, with a gulp inducing price tag of 35 smackaroos! I think using cloth in the newborn stage is wise, since you can spend a hundred bucks on sposies before you know it, but cloth can be used for multiple children and resold. You can do it the frugal way with prefolds and a few covers, or I guess you can go all out and spend close to $1,000 on some $35 newborn diapers.

What I think is reasonable is hard to define. Just to clarify, by reasonable, I mean reasonable for me. If you have the money and desire, feel free to spend $200 on one of these limited print diapers people collect!

I think it’s one of those things that is difficult to say $xx is reasonable while $yy is not, but if you hear a price, you can say whether it’s low, OK or high. For me, anything over $15 for a newborn diaper makes me thing “jeez, this had better be good!” Of course, the only newborn diapers I have so far I’ve won in giveaways (except one I bought as a second for cheap!) I’d love to have a FuzziBunz X-Small in my stash, but the price tag of $16.95 is pushing my limit. The same really goes for the Happy Heinys mini one size, but at least that has additional sizing possibilities.

Anyway, I’m figuring if I get to cloth diaper a newborn, I’d buy one of each on my wish list (probably enough for a day or so of cloth diapering) and see what I like, then buy a few more (maybe gender specific colors) of what I like best after the baby is born. So far, I haven’t had huge babies, but maybe my excitement over these adorable cloth newbie dipes would get me a chunky 10 pounder ready for one-size diapers at birth, hee hee.

So how about you? Do you have price limits in mind when you’re shopping for cloth? Do you have different limits for newborn diapers? Do you have a particular diaper/print you’re dying for that you’d be willing to pay more for?

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup – 4/8/11 (Plus Linky For All Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

If you’re looking for cloth diaper giveaways, here they are! Every Friday, I gather up all of the cloth diaper/accessory/baby wearing giveaways I’ve found, so you can enter them!

If you’d like me to feature your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

osocozy all in one cloth diapers

My OsoCozy AIO Cloth Diaper Giveaway ends 4/12

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*CJ’s BUTTer from Fluffy Cheeks and The Not So Secret Confessions of a SAHM Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/8)

*Tiny Tush Diaper from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 4/8)

*$15 Mud Butt GC from A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/8)

*GoGreen Pocket Diaper from Sweet T Makes Three Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/8) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Bummas Wipes from Tales from the Nursery (ends 4/8) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Evolution Diaper from Momma in Flip Flops (ends 4/8)

*Fuzzibunz Diaper from Roxanna Jolly (ends 4/8)

*Zookies Cover from Coffee & Laughter with the Harris Family Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/8) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Flip Package from Kelly Wels (ends 4/8)

Best Bottom Diaper from The Eco Friendly Family (ends 4/8)

Babykicks Diaper from Green Baby Elephant and ISpy4Shoppers (ends 4/8)

*Best Bottom Diapering System from Lindsay’s Family Reviews and Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/9)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Baby in the Big City Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/9)

Applecheeks Diaper from 29 Diapers Two Mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 4/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Softbums Diaper from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/10)

*Rumparooz Diaper from Thanks Mama and Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/10)

*Cow Patties Fitted from Sophie and Momma Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/10) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Barn Owl Bums Diaper from Fluffynutters Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/10)

*GoGreen Champ from Cloth Diaper Geek (ends 4/10)

$25 Bright Star Baby GC from The Cloth Diaper Report (ends 4/10)

Sprout Change Diaper from Greening Sam and Avery (ends 4/10)

Itti Bitti Diapers from Nicki’s Cloth Diaper Reviews (ends 4/10)

Fuzzibunz Diaper form The Reynolds Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/10)

*Dinkledooz Diaper from Go Go Natural and Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/11) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Ergo Baby Carrier from Crunchy Beach Mama (ends 4/11)

*Ergo Baby Carrier from Mommy Gaga (ends 4/11)

Little Sprout Growing Diaer from Little Sprout Growing (ends 4/11)

*Tiny Tush Diaper from Mommy’s Peanut Gallery Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/12)

Bummas Wipes from Little Sprout Growing (ends 4/12)

*Itti Btti Diapers from A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/13)

BlissfulBooty AIO Diaper or Pail Liner from Cloth Diaper Contests & Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/13) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Sprout Change Diaper from So Easy Being Green (ends 4/13) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Best Bottom Diaper from Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/14)

*Sleepy Wrap from Real Mom Reviews (ends 4/14)

*Softbums Omni from Life With My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/14)

*Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted & Wrap from What Mama Wants Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/14)

Baby Blossom Designs Diaper from Momma in Flip Flops (ends 4/14)

Boba Baby Carrier from Shining 2 Save (ends 4/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Applecheeks Diaper from A Mom’s Take (ends 4/14) Open Worldwide

*$25 AppleCheeks GC from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/15)

*Tiny Tush Diaper from Oh So Savvy Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Sprout Change Diaper from Lindsay’s Family Reviews & Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Best Bottom Diaper from Naturalmente Mama (ends 4/15)

Econobum Trial Pack from Life with Levi Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/15)

*Happy Heiny’s Diaper from SweetPeas Cloth and It Keeps Getting Better Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/16)

Smart Bottoms Diaper from Mama B Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 4/16) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Itti Bitti Diapers from Mom Always Finds Out Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/16) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Ergo Baby Carrier from Luv My Two Girls (ends 4/17)

Blueberry Trainers from My Precious Kid and Life With My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/19)

*Zookies Cover from Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/20) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Bumgenius 4.0s and Thirsties Fab Wipes from The Budget Mommy (ends 4/20)

Itti Bitti Diapers from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 4/20)

Kissaluvs Marvels AIO from Real Mom Reviews (ends 4/21) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Itti Bitti Diapers from Mama on a Green Mission Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/21)

Bella Bottoms Diaper from Diary of a Devil Dog Wife (ends 4/21)

Blissful Booty Diaper from My This N That Life Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/22)

ComfyRumps Cloth Diapers from Mama Days Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/22) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Mother-Ease Cloth Diaper Package from Mari’s Organized Mess Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/22)

Smart Bottoms Diaper from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/25)

Green Line Diaper form Padded Tush Stats Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/25)

Beco Baby Carrier from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/26)

*Knickernappies O/S Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 4/28)

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Sprout Change Winner

sprout change winner

143 people entered this giveaway, with 302 entries in all. The winning entry is #168, which is One Southern Girl! Congratulations, I’m sending you an email now!

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Blog Hop Cloth Diaper Blog Hop Linky

Cloth Diaper Blog Hop For April 2011

cloth diaper blog hop
Copy and Paste Code

It’s time for the April cloth diaper blog, blog hop! This blog hop is just for cloth diapering blogs. If you often or just sometimes post about cloth diapers, you are welcome!!

There aren’t any requirements to meet in order to participate. You don’t have to blog about the hop or grab the button (although if you do, it will help us find more participants!) There is no requirement to follow any blogs or leave comments.

Naturally, I hope you will check out the other blogs, follow if you like their posts, and leave a relevant comment if you like a certain post!

I love to read cloth diaper blogs, so I usually follow anyone who links up!

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