Cloth Diapering

The future of Cloth, Part IV of ? Ease of Care and use

>This is part 4 of my ramblings on the future of cloth diapering!  See Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 if you missed them!

I want cloth to be easier.  I know that if I just gave away all of my cloth diapers when I was finished with them, I’d still be ahead financially.  However, I’d like for minor repairs on diapers to be easier for people like me.  I can sew a button and so forth, but I don’t have a sewing machine, and I’m really rather intimidated by the idea of diaper repair.

I have a post in the works to do a step by step Bumgenius refresher using just a needle, thread and scissors.  I am OK with the Velcro replacement, but I’m thanking my lucky stars that my elastic doesn’t need to be replaced!!  With the Bumgenius 4.0, Cottonbabies somewhat acknowledged this by making the elastic slightly more easy to replace.  It still scares me.  My Fuzzibunz “one size” diaper actually came with spare elastic and you can replace it with no sewing and no seam ripping!  I would love to see more diapers like that!!

When thinking about closure tab replacement, I’d love to see the tabs and Velcro strips of diapers (securely) snap or hook on and off.  This way you could swap them out for new as they became worn and swap Velcro for aplix as it suits you and your baby.  I wish I were skilled at photoshop so I could demonstrate exactly what I mean.  I’ve seen a WAHM diaper who had snaps applied through the Velcro strip on the front of the diaper, so you could secure the snaps or secure the Velcro, but that’s not quite what I mean.  I imagine the front of the diaper having say, male snaps.  The Velcro strip would have female snaps on the back, so you could snap it in place.  The snap closure tabs could be removed and replaced with Velcro tabs as you wished.  Then the Velcro could be removed and go back to snaps.

Lastly (I think) I want more diaper companies to recognize that washing needs to be easy.  The only reason I didn’t cloth diaper my son from birth was the detergent issue.  Not everyone has “safe” detergents readily available to them.  Shipping them becomes quite costly, and even if they were available locally, the first detergent you buy won’t necessarily work for you.  My max price for detergent stockpiling pre-cloth diapers was about $2.99 at most.  So going to $10-$15/bottle was a huge leap.  Not to mention then having $100 worth of detergent that didn’t work sitting in my cabinet, or having to “waste” it on regular clothes!

I would love for companies (or someone with lots of time and money) to put diapers to the test in many mainstream detergents.  Truly put them to the test, not just say they are a “no-no” because of some chart made based on ingredients. There are a few companies out there that specifically recommend “regular” detergents, but most say it will damage your diapers and/or void your warranty.  Who wants that?

I have spent a lot of time and money on detergents, followed by battling the stink that ensues.  I firmly believe that the right detergent is one that gets your diapers clean and stink free, doesn’t cause them to repel, and doesn’t give your baby a rash.  Obvious ingredients to stay away from are bleach, fabric softeners or anything that may eat away at the PUL or Elastic.

My other thought was that diaper manufacturers should offer a low cost “sampler” of detergents that they recommend, so you can try them before you purchase.  The problem is that it has taken me several weeks (sometimes months) of using a detergent before it became clear that it wasn’t the one for me.

If you didn’t cloth diaper all of your children, or didn’t start right away, what stopped you?

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Diaper Cream Giveaway Review

Motherlove Herbal Diaper Rash & Thrush Salve Review & Giveaway – 2 Winners (CLOSED 12/21)


motherlove products

Motherlove Herbal Company makes fantastic products for pregnant and breastfeeding moms, as well as for baby.  They have everything from pregnant belly salve to sitz bath spray.  I seriously wish I had known about the belly salve when I was pregnant!  I was up half the night trying to claw my skin off to stop the itchiness during my pregnancies!

motherlove diaper rash and thrush ointment

Motherlove sent me a jar of their diaper rash and thrush salve to try.

It is cloth safe, and is rated zero (zero toxins) on EWG’s Skin Deep Database.

certified organic ingredients

The simple ingredients are 96% certified organic.

cloth safe diaper rash cream in jar

The salve is fairly solid in the jar (I’d expect it to become softer in warmer weather, as a similar product I have does.)  The 1 oz. jar seems fairly small, but a little goes a very, very long way.

motherlove diaper ointment texture

Lightly rub your fingers on the surface, and the salve melts onto your skin.  It doesn’t really have a smell.  I practically stuck my nose in it, and it just smells very lightly of the ingredients.
I get terrible eczema in the winter, where my knuckles, the joints of my fingers and the backs of my hands crack and bleed.  It’s not bad yet, since winter weather is really just beginning here.  For giggles, I thought I’d try the Motherlove salve on one such spot.

ointment applied

It did not sting or burn, so I wouldn’t hesitate to apply it to a sore baby bottom.

the next day

The next day, there was a noticeable difference! 

We’re lucky that we don’t deal much with rashes since switching to cloth.  However, my son does get a bit red sometimes after he dirties a diaper.  The other day he pulled what I call “the stealth poop maneuver.”  He hates having his diaper changed, and sometimes he manages to hide all evidence that he needs to be changed.  I didn’t see, hear or smell anything that made me think he needed a change, and I was surprised with a stealth poop the next time I changed him.  I do change diapers about every two hours, but he might have been sitting in it for a while.  I applied a thin layer of Motherlove salve, and by the next change, the redness was gone.  You could also apply it at every change as a preventative barrier.

The 1 ounce jar Diaper Rash and Thrush salve retails for $9.50.

motherlove nipple cream

Motherlove also sent me a sample packet of nipple cream.  Breastfeeding my first child was anything but sunshine and roses for sure.  Fortunately, nursing my son was far easier (maybe because only one of us was a noob!) but I still had some soreness for a few days.  Luckily, he’s a champion nurser now at 18 months old!

certified organic ingredients

Motherlove nipple cream is made with 100% certified organic ingredients, contains no lanolin, and does not need to be washed off prior to nursing.  Like the diaper salve, it’s also rated zero (zero toxins) in the EWG database.

lanolin free nipple cream texture

Yep, you’re getting nipple cream action shots, tee hee!  It has a nice texture, that melts easily into skin, and very little is needed.

motherlove nipple cream on skin

Don’t worry, this is my wrist, LOL!  A 1 ounce jar retails for $9.95, and would probably last a long time!

Be sure to check out the Motherlove Blog for great articles on herbs, breastfeeding and more.

Giveaway: Motherlove is offering a full size, 1 ounce jar of Diaper Rash & Thrush salve to two winners!  I’m offering bonus entries, so in the unlikely event that I choose the same winner twice, I’ll choose again.

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below.  I love comments, but comments don’t count as entriesMandatory entries are name, email address and what other Motherlove product interests you.  You may receive a bonus entry if you “like” Motherlove Herbal on Facebook.  Receive another bonus entry if you follow Motherlove on Twitter.

I will accept entries until Tuesday, December 21st, 2010 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S.

# of entries received as of December 21st at giveaway close: 107

FTC compliance: The pictured products were received at no charge for review purposes.  I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 12/13/10 Cloth Wipes and Moldy Dipes!

moldy #clothdiapers via @chgdiapers

It’s Mailbox Monday again!  If you have a question you’d like answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, email it to maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject!

Ash says:

Hi Maria!

I’ve been cloth diapering my daughter for about 8 months but I haven’t made the switch over to cloth wipes yet. Shocker I know! ha! This week I am finally finishing up the last of the disposable wipes I have and am making the switch to cloth! I’m excited! But I was curious as to how many wipes I should have. I was thinking around the same amount as dipes which is a little over two dozen. I’ve already bought some and I’ve made some as well. What do you think is a good amount?



Hi Ash!  I like to wash every other day, and have enough “stuff” that I don’t have to rush with folding/stuffing diapers to use.  So, I’d say a rough estimate would be one wipe for each diaper you’d use during that time, plus a few extra for messy diapers.

I often used 5+ disposable wipes on messy diapers, but it is very rare for me to have to use more than one cloth wipe.  I keep 19 wipes downstairs (where I change most of my diapers) and I don’t think I’ve ever run out.  I just have 4 upstairs, and though I don’t change many diapers up there, I often have to dip in to my original “wipes,” which were cut and zigzagged burp cloths!

I think 2 dozen wipes would be perfect!  You will love using cloth wipes!

Ash also says:

Hey Maria!

I was wondering if any of your dipes have gotten moldy. I have a couple of pocket dipes, some of which are only a couple months old that look like they have patches of mold on them that have recently showed up. I’ve been using Soap Nuts for a couple months now and I am wondering if that has something to do with it. Do you have any suggestions on getting rid of it? I just stripped my dipes with blue dawn and have used white vinegar in the rinse a couple times and been using a little oxiclean, but it still seems to be sticking around. Any suggestions would be great!!


I haven’t had a moldy diaper…yet.  I’m just waiting for the day when I forget one somewhere!
Is the mold on the diaper or the insert?  If it’s on the insert, I’d suggest washing the inserts only with about 1/4 cup of bleach, then rinse until the water is clean and the bleach smell is gone.
If it’s on the diaper itself, I’d suggest a soak, then hot wash followed by some sun.  You’ve already tried vinegar and oxiclean, which would have been my other suggestions, along with perhaps some tea tree oil.  If you’ve killed the mold, you may just have a little staining, and some old fashioned UV rays would probably take care of that!
As far as the soap nuts, it’s hard to say.  I was using them with great success for about a month, then suddenly the diapers started coming out of the wash smelling like they hadn’t been washed at all.
How often to you wash?  I don’t recommend much longer than every other day, and you might even want to leave your pail or wet bag open a crack between wash days.

How about you gals? How many cloth wipes do you find is enough? Have you ever fought mold and won?

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Do you have a wish list of your own?

>My husband and I don’t exchange gifts anymore, for the sake of saving money.  I know if we did, he’d be dreaming of flat screen TVs and flat screen TV stands!

So, I really don’t have a holiday wish list, but I have a running fluff wish list.  I know, I know!  I really don’t “need” any more fluff, but I have this desire to try and review every diaper.  It’s an illness!  No, I don’t expect to ever actually buy or own all of these, but if I found a screaming deal on one of them, I’d bite!

Here’s what I haven’t tried that I’d like to (that I can think of, I’m sure there are more!):

  • Tot Bots
  • Wee Huggers
  • Applecheeks
  • GoGreen
  • Bottombumpers
  • gDiapers
  • GroVia
  • Tiny Tush
  • Bum Essentials
  • Tiny Tush
  • Tweedlebugs
  • Bumkins
  • Knickernappies One Size
  • Sposoeasy
  • Green Acre Designs
  • iCandy
  • OsoCozy
  • Snap EZ
  • Sustainablebabyish
  • Wahmies

If I ever get to cloth diaper a newborn, I’d wish for:

  • Rumparooz Lil Joey
  • Tot Bots Tiny Fit
  • Fuzzibunz XS
  • Bumgenius AIO XS
  • Eli Monster Newborn Diapers
  • Happy Heinys Mini One Size
  • Smarti Pants Newborn Diapers
  • Thirsties Size 1 Duo Diaper/Wrap
  • Heartland Dreams Newborn Diapers
  • Doodle Dypes Dynky Doodle
  • Guerilla Fluff Newborn Diapers
  • Thirsties Fab Fitted XS
  • Almost Heaven Diaper Co. Newborn Diaper
  • PLUMP Newborn Diaper

I’d also probably want to try any prefolds and covers with a newborn too, since they go through so many diapers!

How about you?  Do you have a running fluff wish list?  Are you wishing for anything for yourself this year?

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for December 10th, 2010



It’s Friday, and I’ve rounded up cloth diaper, accessory and babywearing giveaways for you!

If you’d your cloth diaper/accessory/baby wearing giveaway to be featured in next week’s roundup, send a description, link and photo (if applicable) to maria at  I like to keep the roundup to cloth, baby wearing etc. but you can put anything family friendly in the linky.  Nothing that will make me blush please!

This week’s giveaway finds:

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

Please be sure to enter the Wallypop giveaway at Lauren’s Little Lovies, ending 12/17.  This was a Merry Fluffy Christmas prize that was inadvertently left out!

Knickernappies Mama Cloth from Wee Little Changes (ends 12/16)

Flora Gayle Wool Longies/Soaker from Nault’s Nook Mandatory GFC Follow (ends 12/31)

Knickernappies Diaper Package from Kelly Wels (ends today, 12/10)

Bummis Whisper Wrap from Jamie’s Precious Peas (ends 12/19)

Bumgenius Elemental from natural Pure Essentials and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/6)

$25 Earth Angels Diaper Co. GC from Mama B. Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/19)

Snuglibebe Diaper from Cloth Diapering Momma Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 12/10)

OweWhoaWhen Soaker from Nault’s Nook Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/31)

Bitty Bumz Boutique Diaper from A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/12)

Planet Wise Wet Bag from Eco-Friendly and Frugal Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/18)

Gen-Y Cover from Biehl Adventures (ends 12/14)

Doopsy SD Diaper from Tree Huggin’ Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/12)

ErgoBaby Carrier from Rachel’s Reviews and Giveaways (ends 12/15)

ErgoBaby Carrier from Baby Bix (ends 12/15)

$20 Ottowa Cloth Diapers GC  from Beautiful Calling (ends 12/23) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Little Muffin Bottoms Pocket Diaper from Cloth Diaper Addiction Mandatory GFC follow (ends tomorrow, 12/11)

New School Cloth Diaper from Cloth Diapering Momma Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/13)

Large Planet Wise Wet Bag from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Giveaways still running from last week:

Knickernappies diaper from Chubby Cheeks Thinks and The Diaper Wagon (ends today, 12/10)

Cheeky Diapers Diaper and Cover from Luvs Jurn (ends today, 12/10)

Bootyful Baby Boutique Diaper from Your World: Healthy and Natural Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/12)

Knickernappies diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 12/29)

$25 Kanga Care Gift Card from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 12/13)

Planet Wise Hanging Wet Bag from The B Keeps us Honest (ends 12/16)

My Baby’s Green AIO from Mommy is Green (ends 12/16)

AMP Duo Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/29)

Sprout Change Diaper from The Willow Store and The Bragging Mommy (ends 12/14)

Nifty Nappy Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/31)

Dinkledooz Diaper from GoGo Natural and It’s Me Melbie (ends 12/26)

$10 Abby’s Lane GC from Real Mom Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/15)

GoGo Green Diaper from Connected Mom (ends 12/16)

Wahmies Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/1)

Blue Penguin AIO from Makobi Scribe comments go on another blog must follow both blogs to enter (ends 12/13)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Luvs Jurn (ends 12/16)

Mother-Ease Sandy’s Fitted Diaper and Cover from Marlie and Me (ends today, 12/10)

Beco Gemini Carrier from Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends tomorrow, 12/11)

$350 Fuzzibunz Kit from Kelly Wels Giveaway is run on Facebook, mandatory “like” (ends 12/21)

Tiny Tush Elite Diaper from Liz Has a Life (ends 12/14)

Comfy Rumps Pocket Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/23)

GoGoGreen Pocket Diapers from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/26)

ErgoBaby Doll Carrier from One Savvy Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/21)

Comfy Rumps Diapers from Chubby Cheeks Thinks 2 winners, open to the U.S. and Canada (ends 12/15)

Happy Heinys Pockets Diaper from Nature Bumz and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/12)

Kawaii Pocket Diaper from Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/15)

Baby K’Tan pink baby carrier from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/11)

FuzziBunz Perfect Size Diaper from Thanks Mama and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/17)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Check out where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up your giveaways!

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