Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 1/3/11 {{Tumbleweeds}}


 email me
It’s the first Monday of 2011, and there were no submissions!  How terrible is it that I initially typed 2001?  Talk about living in the past, huh?
If you have a question you’d like answered in a Mailbox Mondays post (it doesn’t have to be cloth diaper related) email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject.
Hopefully next week there will be something other than tumbleweeds in the Mailbox Mondays post!
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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for December 31st, 2010



I can’t believe it’s almost a new year! I won’t ramble on though, I’ll get right to the roundup. Every Friday, I gather up cloth diaper/accessory and baby wearing giveaways I’ve found. Each post is also accompanied by a linky where you can enter any giveaway, as long as it’s family friendly.

If you’d like your cloth diaper, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway featured, send a link, description and photo (if you have one) to maria at

This week’s giveaway finds:

Giveaways still running from last week:

Ragababe AIO from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 1/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

$10 Abby’s Lane GC from Oh So Savvy Mom (ends 1/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

FuzziBunz One Size Pocket Diaper from Mama to 4 Blessings and Diaper Wagon Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 12/31)

$10 GC to Go Green Diapers from Arizona Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Hemp Prefold from Life With My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/5)

OsoCozy AIO from Cloth and Carry and The Cloth Diaper Report (ends tomorrow, 1/1)

$10 Abby’s Lane GC from SAPsMaMa Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/14)

Flora Gayle Wool Longies/Soaker from Nault’s Nook Mandatory GFC Follow (ends today, 12/31)

Bumgenius Elemental from natural Pure Essentials and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/6)

OweWhoaWhen Soaker from Nault’s Nook Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 12/31)

Large Planet Wise Wet Bag from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Nifty Nappy Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends today, 12/31)

Wahmies Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends tomorrow, 1/1)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date is good. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Check out where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up your giveaways!

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Giveaway Natural Personal Care Products Review

Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion Review & Giveaway Open to the U.S. and Canada (CLOSED 1/5)


Skin MD Natural

I had never heard of Skin MD Natural before this review.  I am so glad I know about it now!  It is made in the U.S. in a 100% solar facility, is never tested on animals, and does not contain any animal ingredients, parabens, petrochemicals, dyes or fragrances.

natural lotion

I received a 4 oz. (full size) bottle of the shielding lotion to try.  Initially, $18 seemed a little steep for a 4 oz. bottle, even though they estimate it will last 1-2 months with daily use.  I was wrong again!  The literature suggested a pea size amount for hands, but I needed even less than that.  I’ve been using it for a few weeks, and my bottle still seems full. 

skinmd ingredients

The ingredients are 93% natural and the lotion hydrates and protects your hands.  The bottle says to apply it every 2-8 hours initially, then every 12-24 hours after your skin’s moisture improves.  I’ve been using it pretty much any time I think about it.  Every time I wash my hands, any time my hands feel a little dry, any time I walk by the bottle…

I’ve mentioned before that I suffer from eczema on my hands, which is exacerbated by the constant hand washing that goes hand in hand (har har) with motherhood.

lotion texture

Here’s why I really love this lotion: it truly soaks into your skin and does not feel greasy.  I am really weird about that.  I’m not afraid of getting dirty, but I am totally squicked out when I have anything on my hands, and I have to wash them right away.  I have gone so far as to squirt lotion on the backs of my hands and rub them together to avoid getting any on my palms.  With Skin MD, even when I used way too much, my hands just felt soft.  Not the slightest bit sticky or greasy.

It does not have added fragrance, but it has a very light, pleasant smell.  It smells very familiar, but I am terrible at putting my finger on scents.  I am going to guess that I’m smelling the aloe and chamomile!

lotion on skin

With other lotions, even if it doesn’t feel terribly gross on  my hands, it feels slimy rinsing off my hands the next time I wash them.  Not so with Skin MD!  Unfortunately, I can’t tell you that Skin MD worked miracles and cured my eczema, but it is noticeably improved.  The skin between my fingers isn’t flaking anymore, and my hands don’t snag on diapers when I stuff them (ick!).
skinmd samples skinmd spf ingredients

I also received some samples of the Skin MD lotion with SPF 15.

spf texture

I was really surprised that it also had a great texture.  Usually if I apply sunscreen, or even a lotion with added sunscreen, I have to wash my hands 3-4 times to get the greasy feeling off.  I was able to put this on the palms of my hands with no such feeling!
If you want to try it yourself, you can request a sample by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope!
Giveaway: Skin MD is offering a reader her own 4 oz. bottle of Shielding Lotion.  (ARV $18)

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below.  I love comments, but comments don’t count as entries.

Mandatory entries include your name and email address.  You may elect to receive a bonus entry if you are a new or current “liker” of Skin MD Natural on Facebook.  You may receive another bonus entry if you follow Skin MD Natural on Twitter.

I will accept entries until Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada.

# of entries received as of January 5th at giveaway close:137

FTC compliance: I received the pictured products at no cost in order to write this review.  I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 12/27/10 Is there a Diaper English to Regular English Dictionary?

#clothdiapers terminology via @chgdiapers

It’s Mailbox Monday again!  If you have a question you’d like answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, email it to maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject!

Madeline says:

 Hey Maria,

Thanks so much for your ultra-informative blog! I have so many questions for you! First, I have a question about AI2s. I sorta just don’t get it, maybe because I have a newborn. Is the idea that I could replace the insert like I do when I use a prefold and cover? For example, I have a Bum Essentials AI2 and the cover is lined on the inside with fleece, which gets wet or poopy every time I use it. How could I snap in a new insert and reuse it if the inside is fabric instead of waterproof?

Second, isn’t a Flip diaper just like a fancy prefold and cover system? Where the prefold is replaced by the Stay Dry insert? I loved my prefolds and covers, but thought I’d replace them with Flips as my little guy gets older, since my husband is sorta intimidated by the prefolds. 😉

Third, isn’t every pocket diaper basically an All in Two? I could lay a non-microfiber insert inside my BG 4.0’s instead of stuffing one in the pocket, right?

When I read your posts about making cloth diapers more mainstream, I think that this is one of the problems. There are just too many options and not a ton of consistency for what diapers are called, so people get really overwhelmed. Plus, hardly any diapers come with instructions or suggested uses (like “this diaper is great if you want to be able to customize how much absorbancy you want by adding or removing inserts for day and night”). I won a Sweet Pea AI3 in a giveaway and I was freaked out when I saw how many pieces it had and I have no idea how to use it!



Well first of all, flattery will get you everywhere with me, hee hee.  I’m so glad you find my blog useful!

I learned very quickly that diaper lingo is an entirely different language.  You can’t apply normal English definitions.  Before I’d actually started cloth diapering, I said that I wanted an “all in one” diaper like the Bumgenius 3.0, meaning that I didn’t want a separate cover.  I was corrected that it was not an all in one, but a pocket diaper, and the confusion just grows from there!  I tend to talk in circles with the diaper lingo subject, so hopefully this isn’t too hard to follow!

In my noodle, I think of an all-in two as a diaper with an outer shell, and an insert that doesn’t go inside a pocket (like Doodle Dypes).  I tend to think of one with a wipe-able inner, marketed as being reusable with a fresh insert (disposable or cloth) as a “hybrid.”  (Like Flip, the Best Bottom Diapering System, GroVia and others.)

However, I’ve seen all-in twos referred to as all-in-ones (like the Goodmama One), all-in-threes (if the soaker snaps into two pieces like PLUMP) and who knows what else.  The lines are also being blurred as more companies come out with pocket/AI2 bybrids like the Softbums Omni and the AMP Duo Diaper.

The hybrid/AI2/covers designed to be used with inserts (like Flip) do tend to be trimmer than covers cut to fit over bulkier fitteds.  In my mind, these systems have a few advantages over prefolds and covers.  They are quite trim, and there are “stay dry” options where microfleece touches the baby.  This caused some confusion for my husband with the Softbums, since you have to fold the insert as you put it on, but make sure the microfleece (not microfiber) touches baby.  My son ended up really red after having microfiber directly against his skin.  Still, I think this would be far easier for him to handle than a prefold!

The pocket/AI2 diapers in general are a little trickier to me than the ones that are PUL only. Simply because they would become more easily soiled or wet, having a fabric inner.  I do notice that AI2s marketed as reusable with fresh inserts, but having fabric inners, tend to have wider inserts, that cover more area. 

I had someone tell me that I was wrong to call a diaper with a snap in insert an AI2, that the only true AI2s are the type with the wipeable PUL inner.  This just came from another Mom, not a diaper expert or manufacturer, so I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion!

I don’t see why you couldn’t use any pocket diaper as an AI2, but you’d have to be careful to choose an insert that fits well in the diaper, covering most of the fabric inner, but not so wide as to interfere with the leg elastic.  You’d also have to make sure microfiber didn’t touch the baby of course!

My husband has trouble with the term “fitted.”  I guess he thinks of fitted hats and thinks they are diapers that are sized S, M, L.  Even the term “one size” is confusing, since it really means “one size fits all/most.”

All of this gets even more confusing for a newbie when you then learn that Fitted diapers can have sewn in soakers, lay in, snap in, or pocket soakers!

Diaper terminology is quite confusing.  I think it’s at least partly because of the way cloth has evolved.  If there were only flats, prefolds, contours and fitteds, the name “fitted” would make sense.  None are waterproof, but this one is “fitted” to baby.  Once you add diapers that look the same, but have a water resistant layer, it makes far less sense.

You’re right that the companies don’t always spell out to you why you should choose that particular diaper over another.  I also think the stock photos are often lacking (hence my surprise that the Goodmama “One” was an AI2, not an AIO!)  Of course, I think the solution is reading reviews, especially mine, which always have lots of photos!  😀

So how about you gals?  Do you use AI2s?  How do you like them?  Do you find that you’re able to reuse covers throughout the day?  Were you confused about cloth terminology when you started cloth diapering?

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for December 24th, 2010



It’s Christmas Eve for those who celebrate, but it’s also Friday!  Time for the weekly cloth/babywearing giveaway roundup. 

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/baby wearing type giveaway on your own blog, I’d love to feature it on next week’s roundup.  Send a link, description, end date and photo (if available) to maria at!
Giveaway roundup posts are also always accompanied by a linky where you can enter any family friendly giveaways, not just cloth!

This week’s giveaway finds:

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer
HeidiOh Diaper from Crazy for Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/27)

Bumgenius 4.0 from Tini Bottoms Mandatory Facebook “Like” (ends today, 12/24)

Rumparooz Wet Bag from Doable Diapers Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 12/24)

Real Nappies Diaper Package from Kelly Wels (ends today, 12/24)

Ragababe AIO from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 1/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

$10 Abby’s Lane GC from Oh So Savvy Mom (ends 1/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

FuzziBunz One Size Pocket Diaper from Mama to 4 Blessings and Diaper Wagon Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/31)

$10 GC to Go Green Diapers from Arizona Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Hemp Prefold from Life With My Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/5)

OsoCozy AIO from Cloth and Carry and The Cloth Diaper Report (ends 1/1)

$10 Abby’s Lane GC from SAPsMaMa Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/14)

Giveaways still running from last week:
Go Green Cloth Diaper Kit (2 diapers, wipes & wet bag) from Mama B – 3 winners – Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/26)
Dinkledooz Diaper from GoGoNatural and Life with my Littles Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/26)

AMP Duo Diaper from The Small Town Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada

AMP Duo Diaper from A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/31)

Sweet Pea Diapers from The Eco Chic (ends 12/31)

$25 Kanga Care GC from Diary of Momma Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/30)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Stay Dry Insert from Nault’s Nook (ends 1/2)

Flora Gayle Wool Longies/Soaker from Nault’s Nook Mandatory GFC Follow (ends 12/31)

Bumgenius Elemental from natural Pure Essentials and The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/6)

OweWhoaWhen Soaker from Nault’s Nook Mandatory GFC follow (ends 12/31)

Large Planet Wise Wet Bag from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Knickernappies diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 12/29)

AMP Duo Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/29)

Nifty Nappy Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/31)

Dinkledooz Diaper from GoGo Natural and It’s Me Melbie (ends 12/26)

Wahmies Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 1/1)

Go Green Pocket Diapers from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 12/26)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date is good. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Check out where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up your giveaways!

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